Mastering The Video Funnel

Crafting Authentic African Stories for Maximum Impact

Robert Nganga
9 min readMay 10, 2023


Creating video content that effectively communicates with your audience while remaining within budget is a difficult issue for many organizations, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The distinct video consumption landscape, characterized by mobile phone usage and free-to-air TV dominance (data prices, vertical, landscape, square, short, or long form), along with issues verifying the authenticity of content on digital channels, require a personalized strategy to capture the attention of the target audience. To overcome this challenge, it is critical to understand and navigate the video content funnel.

The video content funnel is an effective approach to video marketing because it guides potential customers through the buying process. The funnel consists of three primary stages: Attract, Engage, and Convert (also known as Hero, Hub, Help). At the “Attract” stage, brands focus on capturing the attention of strangers. Once they have the audience’s attention, the “Engage” stage is all about communicating with these newly converted followers to start a dialogue. Finally, the “Convert” stage entails persuading leads to make a purchase. By planning video content that meets each stage of the marketing funnel, organizations can create a seamless consumer experience by developing video content that fulfills each stage of the funnel, from increasing awareness to generating conversions.

In this article, we will explore the different stages of the funnel and how to plan and create video content that targets each stage, with a focus on capturing attention, engaging potential customers, and converting them into loyal buyers. By mastering the video funnel and creating compelling video content, organizations can build lasting relationships with their audience and drive long-term growth.

By planning video content that meets each stage of the marketing funnel, organizations can create a seamless consumer experience by developing video content that fulfills each stage of the funnel, from increasing awareness to generating conversions.

The Content Funnel: From Attention to Action

While there is an ongoing debate over funnels vs. flywheels, with flywheel purists claiming funnels treat the customer as an afterthought while flywheels place them at the centre, we don’t see any point in the funnel that leaves the customer behind and continue to plan around the funnel, albeit with a few elements re-imagined. To effectively engage your audience, it is critical to plan video content that meets each stage of the marketing funnel, allowing for a seamless customer experience from boosting awareness to driving conversions.

The video content funnel consists of three primary stages: Attract, Engage, and Convert. At the “Attract” stage, brands concentrate on capturing the attention of strangers. Once they have the audience’s attention, the “Engage” stage is all about interacting with these newly converted followers in order to start dialogue. Finally, the “Convert” stage entails convincing the leads to make a purchase. It is essential to recognise that the first and most important stage in the funnel is catching the audience’s attention. Often, marketers prioritise the last stage, but there can be no engagement or conversion without first getting attention.

To effectively engage your audience, it is critical to plan video content that meets each stage of the marketing funnel, allowing for a seamless customer experience from boosting awareness to driving conversions.

A Closer Look at Each Stage of the Funnel

Top of the Funnel: Attract

At the top of the funnel, the goal is to attract potential customers to your brand. In this digital age, capturing your audience’s attention can be challenging. Therefore, it’s essential to create visually striking and emotionally engaging content that tells a story.

Examples for the Attract stage:

1. Branded Content: Creative storytelling videos that showcase the brand’s personality and values while entertaining the audience. Branded content can take many forms, from short films to web series, and can be distributed across various platforms, including social media, YouTube, streaming services, and the brand’s website.

2. Short-Form Videos: Videos that are less than a minute long and designed to capture the audience’s attention quickly. Short-form videos can be used on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where the attention span of the audience is relatively short. These videos can be used to tease longer-form content, promote a product or service, or highlight the brand’s values and personality.

3. TV Ad/Video Ad: Compelling advertisements that evoke emotions and draw viewers into your brand narrative. While free-to-air TV remains dominant in Sub-Saharan Africa, video ads can also be distributed online, including on social media platforms and streaming services.

4. Interactive Videos: Videos that allow the audience to interact with the content, providing a unique and engaging experience. Interactive videos can include quizzes, surveys, and other types of interactive elements that encourage participation and capture the audience’s attention.

At the top of the funnel, the goal is to attract potential customers to your brand.

Middle of the Funnel: Engage

Once you have captured your audience’s attention, the next step is to engage them with informative content that provides value and builds connections. The goal is to deepen the relationship with potential customers, keeping them interested and invested in your brand.

Examples for the Engage stage:

1. Educational or How-to Videos: Providing useful information or teaching viewers a new skill, positioning your brand as an industry authority.

2. Testimonials and Case Study Videos: Showcasing real-life examples of how your products or services have helped others, inspiring confidence in your brand.

3. Social Media Videos: Short, visually appealing videos designed to be shared on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, capturing the attention of your audience.

4. Behind-the-Scenes or Sneak Peek Videos: Offering a glimpse into your brand’s process or upcoming products/services, creating a sense of exclusivity and fostering excitement among viewers.

The next step is to engage them with informative content that provides value and builds connections. The goal is to deepen the relationship with potential customers, keeping them interested and invested in your brand.

Bottom of the Funnel: Convert

The final stage of the funnel is to convert viewers into customers. At this stage, the focus is on showcasing the value of your offerings and providing clear incentives for viewers to take action.

Examples for the Convert stage:

1. Promotional Videos: Generating excitement around a new product launch or special offer, encouraging viewers to make a purchase.

2. Case Study Videos: Demonstrating the success of your products or services through real-life examples builds trust and credibility.

3. Training Videos: Showcasing the value of your offerings by providing clear instructions or demonstrations on how-to, making it easy for viewers to understand the benefits of choosing your brand.

The final stage of the funnel is to convert viewers into customers. At this stage, the focus is on showcasing the value of your offerings and providing clear incentives for viewers to take action.

Balancing Short and Long-Term Strategies:

To create a successful video marketing plan, balancing short and long-term strategies is crucial. Short-term sales activation content and long-term brand-building content are two different types of content with different purposes, and they should be used strategically (often at the same time) to achieve the desired results.

Short-term sales activation content aims to create quick benefits and increase sales in the short run. The goal of this type of content is to generate excitement and urgency among potential customers, encouraging them to take immediate action. In contrast, long-term brand-building content focuses on creating brand awareness, loyalty, and trust among the target audience. It communicates the brand’s values, mission, and story to create an emotional connection with the audience.

Long-term brand-building initiatives may take longer to produce results, but they are crucial for building a sustainable brand reputation and creating loyal customers. This type of content includes brand documentaries, storytelling videos, and other types of content that communicate the brand’s story, vision, and mission. These videos are usually longer, but they offer a more in-depth and emotional connection with the audience.

Balancing short and long-term strategies is critical for creating a cohesive video marketing plan.

According to Les Binet and Peter Field’s research, “The Long and the Short of It,” a balance of 60% long-term brand-building material and 40% short-term sales activation content is the most effective. This balance allows for both short-term sales boosts and long-term brand growth.

Balancing short and long-term strategies is critical for creating a cohesive video marketing plan. By investing in long-term strategies and maintaining a balance between short and long-term content, organizations can build lasting relationships with their audience and drive long-term growth. So, it is essential to create high-quality long-term brand-building content such as brand documentaries or storytelling videos that communicate the brand’s story, vision, and mission to build trust and loyalty among the target audience.

Measuring the Effectiveness of Your Video Content: Tips and Tools

Measuring the success of video content is critical for understanding its impact and making informed decisions regarding future video marketing initiatives. Here are some practical suggestions for determining the success of video content:

1. Use Analytics Tools: Video hosting platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo offer built-in analytics tools that allow you to track views, engagement rates, and other metrics. You can also use free tools such as Google Analytics to track website traffic and user behaviour, including video views.

2. Conduct Surveys: Surveys can provide valuable feedback on how viewers perceive your video content and whether it resonates with them. You can use free online survey tools such as SurveyMonkey or Google Forms to create surveys and distribute them to your audience via email or social media. Alternatively, paid tools such as Qualtrics or SurveyGizmo offer more advanced features and customizations.

3. Monitor Social Media Metrics: Social media platforms offer insights into engagement rates, shares, and comments on video content. Tracking these metrics can provide insight into the effectiveness of your video content in generating engagement and brand awareness. Paid social media management tools like Hootsuite or Sprout Social offer more comprehensive analytics and monitoring features.

4. Track Conversion Rates: Measuring the conversion rate of your video content can help you understand how many viewers take the desired action after watching the video. For example, you can track how many viewers click on a call-to-action button or make a purchase after watching a promotional video. Paid tools like Wistia or Vidyard provide detailed conversion tracking and analytics features.

5. Evaluate Audience Feedback: Monitoring feedback from your audience through comments, emails, or social media can provide valuable insights into how your video content is perceived and whether it resonates with your target audience. Paid tools like Brandwatch or Sprinklr offer advanced social listening and sentiment analysis features.

It is important to use a combination of these methods to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of your video content. By measuring the impact of your video content, you can refine your video marketing strategy and create more compelling content that resonates with your audience.

Measuring the success of video content is critical for understanding its impact and making informed decisions regarding future video marketing initiatives.


To achieve maximum impact with video content in Sub-Saharan Africa, it is crucial to understand the distinct video consumption landscape and adapt video marketing strategies accordingly. Planning and creating content that targets each stage of the marketing funnel, from capturing attention to driving conversions, requires different types of video content, from mobile-friendly and short-form content to informative and educational videos. Balancing short-term sales activation content with long-term brand-building content is also critical for sustainable success.

As the video consumption landscape continues to evolve in Sub-Saharan Africa, it’s essential to stay up-to-date and adjust video marketing strategies accordingly. Businesses can start by defining their target audience and understanding their needs and pain points. From there, they can create video content that speaks directly to their audience and guides them through the marketing funnel. It’s also essential to measure the effectiveness of your video content regularly and adjust your strategy accordingly.

By following these actionable steps and creating a cohesive and effective video marketing plan, businesses can build lasting relationships with their audience and drive long-term growth. So, begin crafting your authentic African stories today and elevate your business to new heights!

About Station 77

We are a professional African video production company that offers a range of services to help organizations create compelling video content. From strategy and creative to production and media, Station 77 provides end-to-end video content delivery services that cater to the unique video consumption landscape of Sub-Saharan Africa.

If you’re looking for a video production company that can help you achieve your goals, contact us at jambo[at], and let’s work together to produce something amazing!

