Solve These 3 Common Problems to Save Your Analytics

Luba Pavlova
Cube Dev
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2017

It sometimes feels impossible to make sense or use of the vast amount of spreadsheets, reports, and other embodiments of big data. Well, that’s why Business Intelligence (BI) tools exist. These tools make complex metrics easy to understand, even if you’re not a Google Analytics pro.

We did a deep-dive to explore what exactly gets in the way of making data-driven decisions and solved the problems with our most favorite tool of all — Statsbot 🤖

1 — Data Misinterpretation

“Got it! Oh, wait…” We’ve all felt this way working with analytics. Welcome, you’re not alone! According to the latest BI-survey the situation with BI adoption hasn’t changed since 2014 — it’s still only 55%. The main problems that keep employees from working with analytical tools 1) are hard to use systems and 2) poor data literacy.

The accurate interpretation of data is not easily acquired.

Even the brightest of business professionals often don’t understand the context within the variables they’re looking at reside. Data scientists understand this, but they can lack subject matter expertise.

While you’re training business professionals to sort out numbers, and providing data scientists with business, your competitors will integrate a BI tool and steal your customers.

Rick Davies from Taylor Stitch:
Google Analytics contains a plethora of information that isn’t that “accessible”, especially to less tech-savvy people, who unfortunately often include higher-level decision makers. They want top-line data quickly. Statsbot is perfect for that: no need to login, locate report, filter, drill down, etc.

With Statsbot you could schedule any report

Statsbot gives you data insights via natural language. You can use Statsbot as your personal data scientist: @statsbot How many new users do we have today? or @statsbot signups by source this week — and you’ll get a beautiful, simple data visualizations as a response.

You can even leave out some parts of the query and Statsbot will do its best to guess what you meant or suggest you how to add details your query.

Statsbot’s accurate and accessible data visualizations help to reduce data misinterpretation and instantly connects you with every metric your team wants to know.

2 — Hard to Share

We’ve all seen this: One of your team members switched over to their analytics tool, took a screenshot, copied and pasted the image back into Slack/email to discuss with the team. We definitely saw this, and it seemed quite tedious in our view.

In fact, that’s how Statsbot story started. We believe that the fewer actions you have to perform, the faster communication occurs. No one wants to waste time sharing analytics data ineffectively.

Ben Tossell from Product Hunt:
Statsbot is one of the most useful bots. You no longer need to keep Google Analytics opened, do screenshots and send it to Slack channels. Statsbot does it for you.

Summary report for one month

Tigh Loughhead from Elegran Real Estate:
I live and breath data analysis, diving into various platforms to extrapolate data. Once upon a time, I painstakingly exported numerous data sets, compiling statistics in Excel, then building graphs and charts to demonstrate anything from website performance to marketing ROI to sales performance. Now, I just talk with a chatbot and share the information directly with team members.

Statsbot makes sharing data from Google Analytics, Salesforce, Mixpanel, and others easy and instant — right in your community chat, with your entire team. It takes 5 seconds to type the query and get your data in one place — the place where business decisions happen. To keep track of your most critical reports, you can just pin them in the Slack channel.

3- Reporting Routine

Try to count how many hours your business analysts need to browse your data, organize it, visualize it, and place it into your community chat. Now multiply this number with your employees’ hourly rate 😮 💸

It’s time to stop doing the manual labor of gathering automated reports from different analytics platforms and instead, utilize some good ol’ AI.

Philippe Auriach from Fishfriender:
The best, in my experience with Statsbot, are automatic reports from Google Analytics. It’s great to have yesterday metrics every morning, especially for my non-technical partner.

Smart Alert for All Users in Google Analytics

Statsbot can send you automated reports and smart alerts about spikes in certain metrics. For example, when a number of users suddenly goes up or down.

You’ll never miss when something goes wrong (or really right) and can take immediate action.

In this way a BI tool like Statsbot helps save money and time, increase efficiency, optimize work teams, and grow your company beyond your wildest dreams.

Now, we’re teaching Statsbot to provide contextual predictions and recommend best next steps powering by AI, so stay tuned!

There’s no need for your employees spend hours pouring over complex data sets or equally inaccessible data visualizations. Instead, try Statsbot. It can’t do your job for you, but it will definitely make it easier.

Shoot us an e-mail if you want to try the SQL integration first!

