StatSocial Digital Tribes — Beltway Buffs

StatSocial Insights
4 min readJun 6, 2020

StatSocial’s Digital Tribes is a new consumer segmentation model with a social psychographic twist. Our unique technology enables us to make sense of the billions of unstructured earned and social web interactions that go on each day — allowing you to dive deep into nearly any audience you can imagine.

Using billions of inputs for over 120 million U.S. consumers, we have segmented naturally occurring populations into 100 distinct Digital Tribes.

This entry is a deeper dive into the tribe we call “Beltway Buffs.”

Digital Tribe Summary: Beltway Buffs

This tribe of suburbanites is nearly 50/50 men and women. They are mostly aged 35 and up.

This group is bonded by their interests in matters pertaining to the U.S. government and politics.

Please Note: The baseline used to calculate all of the statistics shown below is the average American online audience.


EXPLANATION: The blue bar reports the percentage of the Beltway Buffs tribe that is male or female. The index score reports, at-a-glance, the degree to which this percentage is in keeping with, falls short of, or exceeds the baseline (in this case, the average U.S. online audience). Under-indexed numbers are in red, and over-indexed in green. The female portion of this tribe exceeds what would be found within the Average U.S. audience by a considerable 1.03 times.
EXPLANATION: The blue bar reports the percentage of the Beltway Buffs tribe earning within the bracket indicated in the left hand column. The grey bar shares the baseline, which here is the average American online audience (also signified by the dotted vertical line). The index score reports, at-a-glance, the degree to which this percentage is in keeping with, falls short of, or exceeds the baseline. In this case, the percentage of this tribe earning over $100k a year is larger than what you’d find within the average U.S. online audience by 1.16 times.

Nearly 78.5% of this tribe is over 35-years of age. Those aged 54 and up are here to a degree exceeding their presence within the average U.S. online audience by 3.14 times.

This group spans all income brackets, with those earning over $100k annually being present here to a degree exceeding the average by 1.16 times.

United States Senate chamber

INFLUENCERS — Beltway Buffs

When sorting this tribe’s top influencers by index score, a liberal bias is evident. The vice president and the First Lady being the conspicuous exceptions.

Descending the list beyond what’s shown above, many prominent conservatives also over-index significantly (John Boehner, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, and Marco Rubio, to name a few).

First Ladies Michelle Obama and Melania Trump.

BRANDS-Beltway Buffs

Government departments and agencies are of greatest interest here. Planned Parenthood is the one exception, perhaps owing to the liberal skew of this tribe’s members.

Some tribes prefer Fendi or Coca-Cola, but this tribe grooves hard on the brands of the federal government.

INTERESTS-Beltway Buffs

Straightforwardly, and clearly, this tribe’s most prominent interest is politics. A profound interest in all matters political is detectable among this tribe to a degree that surpasses the baseline by 8.62 times.

An explicit interest in matters related to the Democratic party is shared by 22.6% of those here, while 10.51% are interested in Republican matters.

Presidential politics: Two badges related to 1964 GOP presidential nominee, Barry Goldwater. On the left, his official campaign slogan. On the right, an appeal to related instincts, but to draw quite different conclusions.

TV SHOWS-Beltway Buffs

While three of the above named shows are comedic in nature, all of these programs revolve around news and current events.

Some of these programs assume a politically neutral voice, but most originate from media sources widely acknowledged to have a center-left bias.

The pendulum swings far to the right, however, for Fox News’ ‘Hannity,’ which finds viewers here to a degree exceeding the baseline by 1.57 times.

WEBSITES-Beltway Buffs

The overriding, defining concerns with politics and current events are again supported here.

One exception worth noting is the George Lucas founded, Edutopia. The site’s stated purpose is to celebrate “and encourage innovation” in K-12 schools. It finds admirers here to an extent exceeding the average by 1.75 times.

Edutopia’s George Lucas is shown here selling his yodas and wookiees and Darth Mauls to The Walt Disney Company, for the low-low price of $4 billion. We will not join the choir of those who have spent the past 8 years trying to interpret the expression on his face.


In psychology, the Big 5 personality traits describe a popularly-employed taxonomy that breaks down human personalities into five, broad, over-arching categories.

IBM Watson™ employs this model, and the five traits that give it its name — Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism — as the umbrella categories under which numerous, more specific personality traits can be found.

In this context, Sympathy, describes those with an inherent concern and compassion for others. This tribe averages in the 69.6th percentile for exhibiting this trait.

Throughout this list tendencies toward both personal ambition and caring for others are evident.

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