StatSocial Digital Tribes — Bucolic Battle Royale

StatSocial Insights
4 min readJun 12, 2020

StatSocial’s Digital Tribes is a new consumer segmentation model with a social psychographic twist. Our unique technology enables us to make sense of the billions of unstructured earned and social web interactions that go on each day — allowing you to dive deep into nearly any audience you can imagine.

Using billions of inputs for over 120 million U.S. consumers, we have segmented naturally occurring populations into 100 distinct Digital Tribes.

This entry is a deeper dive into the tribe we call “Bucolic Battle Royale.”

Digital Tribe Summary: Bucolic Battle Royale

This non-urban residing tribe is made up of men and women in their 20s-to-early-40s.

The greatest shared loves among them relate to WWE, and its “superstars” and “divas,” particularly those of the 21st century.

Please Note: The baseline used to calculate all of the statistics shown below is the average American online audience.

DEMOGRAPHICS — Bucolic Battle Royale

EXPLANATION: The blue bar reports the percentage of the Bucolic Battle Royale tribe that is male or female. The index score reports, at-a-glance, the degree to which this percentage is in keeping with, falls short of, or exceeds the baseline (in this case, the average U.S. online audience). Under-indexed numbers are in red, and over-indexed in green. The male portion of this tribe exceeds what would be found within the Average U.S. audience by 1.31 times.
EXPLANATION: The blue bar reports the percentage of the Bucolic Battle Royale tribe earning within the bracket indicated in the left hand column. The grey bar shares the baseline, which here is the average American online audience (also signified by the dotted vertical line). The index score reports, at-a-glance, the degree to which this percentage is in keeping with, falls short of, or exceeds the baseline. In this case, the percentage of this tribe earning under $50k a year is larger than what you’d find within the average U.S. online audience by 1.25 times.

While men are the majority here, over one-third of this tribe is female.

Those aged 35 to 44 are the most over-indexed age-bracket here. Accounting for nearly 28%, their presence exceeds the baseline by 1.34 times.

INFLUENCERS — Bucolic Battle Royale

This entire list is WWE superstars and divas.

Stephanie McMahon, daughter of Vince, plays a major role within the company, as WWE’s Chief Brand Officer, and in “kayfabe” as a ruthless heel. Her fans can be found here over-indexing by 30.82 times.

Stephanie McMahon and husband, Paul “Triple H” Levesque, in their wrestling roles as The Authority. Fictionalized versions of themselves who court audience outrage, announcing their cutthroat decisions in the name of “what’s best for business.”

TV SHOWS — Bucolic Battle Royale

E!’s reality series, following the lives of some of WWE’s biggest female wrestlers, ‘Total Divas,’ finds fans here to a degree exceeding the baseline by 40.63 times.

Over 59% of this tribe, unsurprisingly, are devoted viewers of ‘WWE Smackdown!

The Bella Twins, the top two influencers with this tribe, who figure prominently in E!’s ‘Total Divas,’ the most over-indexed TV show here.

INTERESTS— Bucolic Battle Royale

This tribe’s interest pro wrestling over-indexes by 7.75 times. This is expected.

More worthy of note, however, is that the percentage of this tribe interested in Buying and Selling Homes is 3.06 times greater than the U.S. average.

Why is no one talking about the intersection of pro wrestlers and real estate agents? Look how happy this couple is. They know they’re in good hands.

BRANDS — Bucolic Battle Royale

Sports, sports entertainment (naturally), and video games dominate this list of preferred brands.

2K Sports’ ‘WWE 2K’ franchise is the second most over-indexed brand here. The segment of this tribe who are fans of the games exceeds the baseline by 20.08 times.

Top influencers, the Bella Twins, as they appear in 2K Sports’ ‘WWE 2K20.’

WEBSITES — Bucolic Battle Royale

Sports, video games, fitness, a touch of celebrity gossip, and the weather.

What more could one need? That’s asked rhetorically.

The segment of this tribe that regularly visits ESPN’s already quite popular website exceeds the baseline by 1.56 times.

PERSONALITY TRAITS — Bucolic Battle Royale

In psychology, the Big 5 personality traits describe a popularly-employed taxonomy that breaks down human personalities into five, broad, over-arching categories.

IBM Watson™ employs this model, and the five traits that give it its name — Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism — as the umbrella categories under which numerous, more specific personality traits can be found.

Excitement-seeking describes consumers who are not content to sit still and let life happen to them. They are upbeat sorts excited to get out there and live.

Anger, in this context, does not necessarily describe one who is irrational or not in control. It describes one who is fiery and passionate, and willing to defend the people and beliefs that mean the most to them.

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