StatSocial Digital Tribes — Countrified Linksmen

StatSocial Insights
4 min readJun 9, 2020

StatSocial’s Digital Tribes is a new consumer segmentation model with a social psychographic twist. Our unique technology enables us to make sense of the billions of unstructured earned and social web interactions that go on each day — allowing you to dive deep into nearly any audience you can imagine.

Using billions of inputs for over 120 million U.S. consumers, we have segmented naturally occurring populations into 100 distinct Digital Tribes.

This entry is a deeper dive into the tribe we call “Countrified Linksmen.”

Digital Tribe Summary: Countrified Linksmen

A dedicated golfer will work with whatever is available.

This is a rural tribe of primarily middle-aged men.

Their great shared love is golf.

Please Note: The baseline used to calculate all of the statistics shown below is the average American online audience.

DEMOGRAPHICS — Countrified Linksmen

EXPLANATION: The blue bar reports the percentage of the Countrified Linksmen tribe that is male or female. The index score reports, at-a-glance, the degree to which this percentage is in keeping with, falls short of, or exceeds the baseline (in this case, the average U.S. online audience). Under-indexed numbers are in red, and over-indexed in green. The male portion of this tribe exceeds what would be found within the Average U.S. audience by 1.69 times.
EXPLANATION: The blue bar reports the percentage of the Countrified Linksmen tribe earning within the bracket indicated in the left hand column. The grey bar shares the baseline, which here is the average American online audience (also signified by the dotted vertical line). The index score reports, at-a-glance, the degree to which this percentage is in keeping with, falls short of, or exceeds the baseline. In this case, the percentage of this tribe earning over $100k a year is larger than what you’d find within the average U.S. online audience by 1.56 times.

The vast majority of this tribe is male, at over 84%.

The segment aged 54 and up exceeds the U.S. audience average by 2.30 times. The segment earning over $100k annually exceeds the average by 1.56 times.

INFLUENCERS — Countrified Linksmen

Golfers, the whole danged list.

Sorted by index score, Jason Dufner cleans up. His fans can be found here to a degree that exceeds the baseline by a staggering 174.71 times.

Rickie Fowler, however, is a favorite of 56%, and Bubba Watson nearly 54%.

Golf broadcaster, and former pro, David Feherty, of whom over 38% of this tribe are fans.

INTERESTS — Countrified Linksmen

Barbecuing & grilling is a competitive event in some parts of our great land. Bearing that in mind, we’re choosing to contend that every item on this list is sports related.

Golf, of course, tops the list here, with fans of the sport exceeding the baseline by 26.91 times.

More country-fried golfin’.

BRANDS — Countrified Linksmen

Nike Golf implores golfers to “Dominate The Course‎.”

This messaging has resonated with nearly a quarter of this tribe, a segment size exceeding the baseline by a profound 118 times.

Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy from a 2013 Nike Golf ad.

TV SHOWS — Countrified Linksmen

A bit of a mixed bag to pick from here. Late-night comedy, liberal and conservative news/opinion programs, and of course sports.

Fans of Fox Sports’ ‘The Herd with Colin Cowherd’ can be found here to a degree exceeding the average by 12.8 times.

The Colin Cowherd variation on a recently popular meme.

WEBSITES — Countrified Linksmen

All sites here are about sports, with the top two slots reserved for golf.

Regular visitors, from this tribe, to the Golf Channel’s official website exceed the U.S. average by an awe-inspiring 129 times.

PERSONALITY TRAITS — Countrified Linksmen

In psychology, the Big 5 personality traits describe a popularly-employed taxonomy that breaks down human personalities into five, broad, over-arching categories.

IBM Watson™ employs this model, and the five traits that give it its name — Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism — as the umbrella categories under which numerous, more specific personality traits can be found.

As a personality trait, dutifulness describes one who regards personal obligations as a priority. It is very important to such people that they not disappoint friends and/or loved ones.

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