Gamifying Investment Research @ Crypto Trade Talks, Bengaluru

Aditya Ahluwalia
Published in
5 min readFeb 11, 2018
Creating amazing offline spaces for people to talks and discuss about crypto.

Crypto Trade Talks, Bengaluru was an experiment we did on 27 Jan, 2018. We did this to understand, what can be the best way of making people aware how to invest intelligently in crypto. Check out the landing page for the event here

The event was invite only and was attended by over 100 people across an 8 hour duration. More than 180 people applied to be a part of the event. We decided to keep it Invite only, as we wanted only the most serious crypto enthusiasts to come. This helped us really high quality feedback and a lot of cool ideas for the next set of events in the pipeline.

Personalised Invites for everyone :)
Moments at Crypto Trade Talks, Bengaluru

Let’s start with the feedback video :)

We divided the event into 4 sessions each with a different theme and experiment in mind.

Session 1 — What is Blockchain?

This was taken by Aditya Ahluwalia and Devi Prasad and the following topics were discussed in detail —

  1. What is blockchain (Explained with practical examples)
  2. Buzzwords used with it and what do they actually mean (Distributed Ledger, Decentralised apps, cryptocurrencies etc)
  3. Is it a Scam or a bubble
  4. Tokenisation of things

Check out the videos of the first session below

What is Blockchain?

Is it a Bubble?

Tokenisation of Things

Session 2 — Basics of Trading with Chandan Choudhury

Chandan took us the following points to help understand how to start trading crypto.

  1. How to buy my first crypto ?
  2. Basics about exchanges (which to use, how and when)
  3. Basics about buy/sell and stop loss
  4. Basics about different markets for trading
  5. Basics about popular trading indicators like Bollinger bands, Price and Volume movements etc

Check out the videos of the second session below

Session 3 — Investathon (Gamified Investment Research) sponsored by Tron

What is an Investathon?

Currently, there are a lot of coins to invest in and a lot of investors who are eager to put in their money. Investathon is a format of engagement which gamifies crypto investing and allows crypto brands to get the right set of educated intelligent investors (long-term Hodlers) for their projects.

What was the motivation behind organizing this competition?

Matching the right set of investors with the right crypto brands. The biggest problem a CEO of a crypto startup faces is that the investors are not high quality and they buy in just to flip the coin for a quick profit. The users in telegram group expect the team to have a new partnership, a new exchange every day. If we can solve this problem for him/her by getting him/her high-quality investors who understand the value proposition… He/she gets time to build and focus on the product rather than focus on partnerships and exchanges without a product in hand It also allows the users to invest in projects they understand completely

How did it go down?

There were 6 teams of 6 members each (all teams were complete beginners) Traders were not allowed to participate in this so that no team has an unfair advantage. They were given 75 minutes and asked to come up with 2 investment calls for 2018. There were about 10 to 15 expert traders who were mentors and were moving around the room (team by team) asking and answering questions about why should a team select a coin and why not? The top 2 teams (based on the coins they shortlisted and their Why’s) were given 5 minutes to present their thoughts.

The winner was chosen by the crowd. The winners were a team of 6 people called Sense deletion. They were awarded 30k INR in Tron coins.

First Runner up


AMA with an expert panel on Portfolio Management

Chandan Choudhury, Sandeep Sangli and Aditya Ahluwalia came together in a panel for an AMA style discussion on how to build and manage your portfolio in Crypto.

Check out the video snippets below.

We also gave chocolates (Proof of Brain) and did huge screw ups.

Check them out in the video below.

It was sponsored by MLG Blockchain in association with Tron, WandX, Microsoft and Skillenza.

Sponsors of the event

The event was a learning experience for all of us. The different sessions helped us understand where did the audience engage the most.

We have our next event coming up in Bangalore on 24 Feb, 2018.

We are very excited about it and plan to give you an amazing experience learning and discussing crypto investing strategies.

Join our community on Facebook to get all our updates.

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If you liked out efforts, we would love some claps from you :) Also if you have any feedback on what can we do in the next events we would love to hear from you



Aditya Ahluwalia

Marketing @ NanoHealthCare Token, a blockchain powered ecosystem of Total Health.