Crypto Trading Rules I have learned in past 6 months

Vipul Mehta
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2018

Rule 1: Invest only what you can afford to lose. (most important rule)

Rule 2: Try hard to make sure you don’t lose what you have invested. (second most important rule)

Rule 3: Less profit is always better than small/big loss. Do not dream to be overnight millionaire. Compounding via frequent small profits can give great returns.

Rule 4: Never chase the peak. If a coin has gained significantly in last 24 hours or few days then stay away. Even if your friend has invested in it and you are afraid that he will earn more than you then keep calm. Do not invest.

Rule 5: Use pump and dump groups and trading signal groups carefully. Pull out on 1st target if there are multiple suggested targets, if first target has been achieved in last 1 hour then stay away. Always assume that you will be the one making least profits following such groups, owners will make the most. Lot of experienced crypto traders suggest to not use such groups as they are meant to scam inexperienced and new traders. Following is the profit layout for such groups (source :

Rule 6: Never take loan or borrow money to invest.

Rule 7: Always be prepared for unforeseen events and 50–60% loss within few days.

Rule 8: Read and analyze a coin yourself before investing. Never ever invest based on suggestions from random blogs or internet posts. Understand and apply trading technical analysis on your own instead of blindly following analysis of any other person.

Rule 9: HODL (holding) is not always the best strategy, so is frequent trading. It all depends on type of coin, current scenario, FUDs (Fear, uncertainty and doubt), events, trading exchange etc.

Rule 10: Do not translate your stock trading experience into crypto trading experience.

Rule 11: Put your crypto profits to good use. Paying your fee, loans, dues, rent, reinvesting into safer options etc. is always better than buying things you do not actually need. Taking out initial principal amount should be your first goal.

Rule 12: If you are trading against BTC/ETH and not against USD/USDT then track your actual profits in USD/USDT.

Rule 13: Pay taxes, stay safe.

Rule 14: Always have at least two backup exchanges where you can transfer your cryptos if you find issues with current exchange.

Rule 15: Use stop-loss when you have earned profits.

Rule 16: A good team behind a coin does not always mean successful underlying product and huge profits.

Rule 17: Use cheaper and faster means of crypto transfer like LTC, XRP instead of BTC. But if market is highly volatile then you need to be extremely careful. Remember that there is BTC to LTC/XRP and vice-versa conversion cost and risk of huge price fluctuation during such transfer itself. So, if you are going to trade against BTC then transferring 1 BTC will give you 1 BTC (excluding fee) but transferring LTC/XRP equivalent of 1BTC might give you lesser BTCs.

Rule 18: 90% of the crypto investors are just gambling and doing blind trade. They are easily influenced by FUDs, fake news etc. If 90% will dump after a fake news then your intelligence and common sense is of no use. You need to anticipate the response of this herd and act accordingly.

Rule 19: Do not put your money in any exchange not having enough account security. Minimum 2 factor authentication is must.

Rule 20: Try margin trade on price gap between exchanges. It is another good way of earning profits.

