EXCLUSIVE: Pete Buttigieg Remained Silent as His Police Chief Lied About South Bend Officers Imitating Klansmen

Jordan Chariton
Status Coup
Published in
6 min readJan 2, 2020


New documents obtained by Status Coup confirm that South Bend police chief Scott Ruszkowski, a close ally of presidential candidate and now former Mayor Pete Buttigieg, lied about a controversial December arrest in which South Bend cops were caught imitating Klansmen from the film “Django Unchained” while arresting a young black man.

As Status Coup first reported, during an arrest of 21-year-old black male Marko Mosgrove on December 18th, Mosgrove livestreamed his arrest (the original livestream was taken down on Facebook but a South Bend resident clipped it).

After realizing they were being taped, South Bend police officers turned around Mosgrove’s phone, resulting in the screen turning black but the audio left running. As the livestream ended, officers begin imitating Klansmen from the Quentin Tarantino film “Django Unchained.”

“I can’t see fu**king sh*t out of this thing!,” an officer says while laughing, mimicking the scene from the film where KKK members argue over their Klan hoods not fitting over their faces.

“I think we all agree that these were a nice idea,” the officer says, further imitating a Klansmen from the scene.

