Meet our new Command Designs!

Status Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 9, 2017

At Status, we believe usability and beautiful design should coexist. After all, our goal is to build the platform which the world uses to interact with the decentralised web. To achieve this scale, we need to provide a user interface that is both aesthetically appealing and intuitive to use for the first time.

While many of you have said nice things about our current design, we think we can do better. That is why Status is undergoing a facelift. This means a complete overhaul of the interface, designed by our very own Andrei Mironov! This article is the first of a three part series in which we will be showing off our new commands, general interface, and transaction screens.

In this post I’ll walk you through our new built-in commands: Send, Browse & Location. The animations below are mockups of what the final designs will look like.

Note that Status will be completely open and 3rd party DApp developers will be able create commands and Decentralised Chatbots just like these, using our upcoming Chat API.

The Send Command

For High Resolution

The Send command belongs to our Wallet. By using this, you will be able to choose someone from within the chat context, select a wallet to send from, decide what currency you would like to use, and the amount that you wish to send. What’s missing from this mockup is the transaction screen which will appear before the message is sent and subsequently verified.

Browse Command

For Higher Resolution:

The Browse command is at the very heart of Status. It’s what transforms a chat context into a Browser Tab, leaving the chat history available for the user to later come back and inspect the transactions that were made while interacting with your DApps.

Notice, we’ve fixed an iOS UI issue related to dragging the interface down, as well as introduced back, forward, and fullscreen buttons. Not shown here is the address bar which will slide away after a timeout, leaving the DApp to take up your entire screen real estate.

Location Command

For Higher Resolution:

The location command is rather straight forward. It can be used to send your current location or any other location via a message, similar to the ‘drop a pin’ function in Apple Maps. Tapping on the map from a chat opens it to the entirety of the screen. Dragging the map around changes the position of the pin and updates the location. Of course you can always simply type your location in the input field as well.

Stay Tuned

The second article of this three part series will feature our new general interface design. We’ve been hard at work on it so we are excited to show it off. Be sure to check back next week to take a look.

In the meantime, we’d love to hear your thoughts on our new command designs. Come join us on Slack and let us know what you think!



Status Blog

Co Founder of - a mobile DApp browser and messenger for #Ethereum