Majd Maksad
Status Money
Published in
1 min readOct 31, 2018


We created Status Money because we believe that financial transparency can help all of us be smarter about money.

Our reluctance to talk to each other about money has left us vulnerable to corporations and politicians — who have exploited our lack of information to increase their profits and enact economic policies that benefit the rich at the expense of everyone else.

It is an outrage that 10 years into an economic boom, US household debt and wealth inequality are now at their highest levels ever in our country’s history.

It is our goal to give everyone the information they need to make the best of their financial situation — especially those of us who don’t have the means to seek professional financial guidance or lobby for economic change.

We want to live in a country where even the poorest among us can achieve financial freedom. Only then can we truly be the greatest country on earth.

Join us.

