The 14 Most Popular CSS Links of 2016 So Far

Chris Brandrick
Published in
5 min readMay 23, 2016


We’ve taken a look through all the stats for the 20 issues of HTML5 Weekly (our front-end development newsletter) published so far in 2016 and have collected together the most popular CSS articles, round-ups, tools and tutorials readers have clicked on.

HTML5 Weekly is a newsletter sent every Wednesday with the most important links in the front-end developer community Join 70,000 other subscribers and sign up for free here.

1: 22 Essential CSS Recipes

Ilya Pestov

A great grab-bag of things you can do with CSS along with brief code snippets. Things like gradient borders, counters, and z-index transitions.

This round-up saw nearly 5,000 clicks from readers of HTML 5 Weekly

2: Houdini: Maybe The Most Exciting Development In CSS You’ve Never Heard Of

Philip Walton — Smashing Magazine

Houdini is a new W3C task force with plans to introduce a new set of APIs that will give developers the power to extend CSS itself, and the tools to hook into the styling and layout process of a browser’s rendering engine.

An in-depth look at what the Houdini task force is trying to solve and why.

3: Learn CSS Layout The Pedantic Way

Mikito Takada

A not-quite-book-length set of chapters walking through every major concept in CSS layout, with dozens of applied examples to illustrate them.

This digital book is also available on GitHub, as a single HTML page, and as a PDF download.

4: Balloon.css for Pure CSS Tooltips

Claudio Holanda

Uses special data-attributes for its settings, but has no reliance upon JavaScript at all. The code is tidy and clever.

A popular pure CSS tooltip with over 2,500 stars on GitHub.

5: The Holy Grail Layout with CSS Grid

Ire Aderinokun

The CSS Grid Layout Module is still in Editor’s Draft but is now nearing finalisation. Here’s a look at recreating the old ‘Holy Grail’ layout using it.

6: An Introduction to CSS’s @supports Rule (Feature Queries)

Maria Antonietta Perna — Sitepoint

You can perform feature detection using native CSS feature queries with the @supports rule, supported in Edge, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

7: Introducing CSS Scroll Snap Points

Sarah Drasner — CSS Tricks

The new CSS Scroll Snap Points spec promises to help us lock an element into the viewport on scroll without JavaScript. Support varies wildly between browsers though.

8: Surprising CSS Properties You Can Use Today

Anthony Dillon

Includes things like filters, CSS3 selectors, @supports, and performing calculations.

9: Introducing The US Government’s CSS Coding Style Guide

Marco Segreto and Jeremia Kimelman

18F, a digital services agency within the US government, has released a CSS style guide covering best practices and rules they apply for producing consistent, maintainable CSS code.

An in-depth resource/reference.

10: Textured Gradients in Pure CSS

Oliver Rivo

Go beyond simple linear and radial gradients with something less predictable, using a small base64-encoded SVG directly within your CSS.

This is a pretty cool effect.

11: The ‘background-clip’ Property and its Use Cases

Ana Tudor — CSS Tricks

The most extensive walkthrough of background-clip and its potential uses that we’ve seen to date.

Plenty of examples and CodePen embeds.

12: Ten Things You Need to Know About CSS

Dmitry Sheiko

Including knowing how browsers read CSS, how to modularize and apply design principles to your CSS, and how to best name elements in your CSS files.

13: Test My CSS

Luke Fender

Give this tool the URL of a CSS file and it’ll highlight any unnecessary complexity and help you analyze your selectors for duplicates, etc.

14: Eight Tips to Write CSS You Won’t Hate

Taha Shashtari

A handful of tips on writing clean, maintainable CSS.

Follow us here on Medium or at @FrontendDaily over on Twitter for more handy round-ups and news like the above.



Chris Brandrick

Editorial Director at Cooperpress | Curator of Switch Weekly