The top 15 Serverless Status links of 2018 šŸ§”

Za'e Johnson
Published in
7 min readDec 21, 2018


Curated by Raymond Camden and Peter Cooper, Serverless Status covers the latest updates on serverless architectures and paradigms.

Hereā€™s a run through of the most popular links of 2018.

AWS Lambda Programming Language Comparison

Epsagon | Featured in Issue 76

A comparison of code size and ā€˜warmā€™ performance of different languages that Lambda supports.

Serverless Best Practices

Paul Johnston | Featured in issue 66

A good set of practical best practices for serverless developers.

Lessons Learned From a Year of Going ā€œFully Serverlessā€ in Production

Tal Bereznitskey | Featured in issue 51

ā€œServerless, because we like to sleep at night.ā€

A strong sense of getting away from ops headaches here by doubling down on static sites and serverless approaches.

The Best Ways to Test Your Serverless Applications

Slobadann Stojanovic | Featured in issue 57

A high-level/architecture-oriented look at how to think about testing in a serverless world.

An Updated Look at Serverless Architectures

Martin Fowler | Featured in issue 53

A significant article covering serverless architectures, updated for 2018. This is a great high-level overview of whatā€™s involved with serverless.

The Hitchhikerā€™s Guide to AWS Step Functions

Epsagon | Featured in issue 66

All you need to know about AWS Step Functions, the spiritual successor to the not-so-simple-to-use Simple Workflow (SWF) service. If you have complicated or long-running serverless workflows, Step Functions could help you manage them.

Reverse Engineering AWS Lambda

Alec Posney | Featured in issue 54

What happens if you crack open AWS Lambda and dig around the gooey internals? Some delightful spelunking to read about, though possibly not very useful to most.

ā€˜Why Invest in Backend Developers When Your Customers Donā€™t Care?ā€™

Forrest Brazeal | Featured in Issue 53

Controversial opinions lie ahead, but this take is increasingly common.

AWS Lambda Adds Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) to Supported Event Sources

Randall Hunt | Featured in issue 58

Best Practices for Serverless Application Development

Michael J. Smith & Matt Yanchyshyn | Featured in issue 74

Rather than focusing on the infrastructure, this 11-minute video takes a high-level look at the best ways to organize your code, implement testing, and so forth.

10 AWS Lambda Use Cases to Start Your Serverless Journey

Rohit Akiwatkar | Featured in Issue 68

A list of serverless use-cases which make for a good introduction to the areas in which serverless can be useful. (But note that while the article is AWS focused, these ideas can obviously be used elsewhere.)

Serverless to the Max: Doing Big Things for Small Dollars

Troy Hunt | Featured in Issue 68

Have I Been Pwned? is a popular side project for Troy and heā€™s been using it as a sort of testing ground for seeing how cheaply he can make it run well. Hereā€™s his write-up of just how far heā€™s managed to get with Cloudflare Workers and Azure Functions so far.

AWS Serverless Application Repository Released

Jeff Barr | Featured in issue 40

Back in February AWS opened up their ecosystem of serverless apps and components that could be easily brought together and hosted on their services.

Lambda Programming Errors That Could Cost You Thousands of Dollars A Day

Asankha Perera | Featured in Issue 57

ā€œWithin a week we accumulated a bill close to $10K due to a programming error.ā€

Serverless Has Its Pitfalls. Hereā€™s How You Can Avoid Them

Nicolas Dao | Featured in issue 52

A good look at where serverless fails. This article provides some good things to consider before making the move.

Thanks for reading!
If you enjoyed this roundup of 2018 be sure to give it a šŸ‘.

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