StatusHub Updates: New Relic, JIRA and Platform Wide Updates

David Farrell
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2016

Over the last few weeks we have locked ourselves away in the cogneto cave putting our nose’s to the grindstone and drinking copious amounts coffee to ensure that we continue our push for improving what not only StatusHub does but how it works for you.

Finally we are delighted to release some exciting changes that we feel will go a long way to improving your experience with our service and how you engage with your customers.


This first change is the one we are most excited about. Over the last while we have wanted to offer our customers a way of being able to report issues with their services to statushub while they were recording them internally. Thanks to this new feature you can now create an incident for statushub within JIRA and link it to an existing JIRA issue.

New Relic

Platform Wide Alerts or Disaster Mode as lovingly call it. Is a quick and easy way to notify subscribers when disaster strikes and multiple services are affected by the same serious problem. Once enabled StatusHub will add a large red notification bar to the top of your page. Also StatusHub will notify all your subscribers of the issue even those who would normally miss notifications to the affected services, due to being only subscribed to a sub-set of your services.

How to use Platform Wide Alerts

As always, you can add your $0.02 to our Community Feedback section of our knowledge base and even request your own features , which will be added to our Deathwish Coffee pouring sessions. If you’ve not been checking out our roadmap to see what we’re working on next, please visit

Originally published at

