Whats New on Statuspal 2.15

Eduardo Messuti
Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2019

It’s been some months since we last wrote about Statuspal new features, but that’s not because we haven’t been hard at work, quite the opposite, we have delivered plenty of new features that our customers are already loving, here is a summary of the most important ones:

Localization & Multi-language Support

You are now able to configure in which language to display your status page easily, you can pick from one of our supported languages or configure a translation for a language we don’t yet support in a few minutes.

Supported languages panel in Admin site

You can configure your status page to support multiple languages, and publish your incidents with their respective translations.

To learn more about localization & multi-language support check out or help article.

Slack Subscriptions

Let your customers subscribe to receive Slack notifications from your status updates, it only takes marking a checkbox in your settings page to activate it.

Preview of a Slack notification from our bot

Learn more about Slack subscriptions in or help portal.

Annual Plans

You can now have your Statuspal subscription on an annual cycle, saving 10% compared to the monthly subscriptions, if you are on a monthly plan you can easily switch to an annual one on your status page’s plan page in your admin panel.

Annual plans now available!

Automatic Recurring Maintenances

It’s common to have scheduled maintenances that are performed on a recurring basis, like on Mondays every two weeks, or every 1st of the month, Statuspal lets you configure a scheduled maintenance to be automatically duplicated on a customizable schedule.

Recurring maintenance task configuration

Find out more about how to configure a recurring scheduled maintenance in this article.

Monitored Service Alerts Recipients

It is now possible to configure who in your team will receive the uptime alerts on your monitored services, in case the default email of your account is not the best one for it.

Monitored service configuration with configurable recipients

Added Support for <head> Code

It is now possible to configure custom HTML code to be inserted right inside the <head>…</head> code if your status page, this means you can highly customize your status page with custom styles and/or custom javascript, like for example adding your custom Google Analytics code, or an Intercom widget code.

This are the most notable new features in Statuspal since our last update, sign in and give them a try!

Don’t have a status page yet? create one in seconds at Statuspal.io.

Honorable Mentions

Other smaller features we’d like to name are:

  • Improved Invite Email: Now whenever you invite a team member to join your status page they’ll receive an email with detailed instructions on how to join your team.
  • Added Changelog Widget: We have added a widget that helps us communicate new features directly to your admin page, it shows compacted version of our changelog page.
  • New and Cleaner Landing Page & Sign in/up Pages: You’ll notice our landing page as well as our sign in and sign up pages look cleaner and overall less cluttered, this is an effort to make the use of Statuspal more enjoyable, we’ll extend this efforts to the admin panel soon.

