Staxe DApp V3.0 Release

Connor Gibson
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2023

In the upcoming release of DApp V3.0, there have been some exciting changes that are aimed at making the platform more accessible to the average user. One of the biggest changes is the ability to buy tokens with credit cards, which should make it much easier for people to get involved with the platform. Additionally, the onboarding process has been simplified, which means that new users will be able to start using the platform more quickly and easily.

Another major change in DApp V3.0 is the ability to make payments directly in stablecoins. This is a significant improvement over the previous version, as it means that users will be able to make transactions without having to worry about the volatility of other cryptocurrencies. This will make the platform more appealing to people who are new to the world of crypto, as it reduces the risks associated with using volatile currencies.

Additionally, DApp V3.0 introduces perks for productions, which should make it easier for Event Organisers and Artists to create enticing offerings. This is a welcome return of a feature that was part of Staxe 1.0, and it should help to make the platform more attractive to Event Organisers, Artists and consumers.

As per the visuals, the platform has undergone a complete overhaul, which means it looks and feels much more modern and user-friendly. This is another welcome change, as it makes the platform more appealing to new users by helping build initial trust before they purchase products.

Finally, the platform has introduced a content management system, which should make it easier for Producers to create and manage their content. Much like the other upgrades, this is another welcome addition, as it will make the platform more user-friendly for Producers which in turn makes it more attractive for consumers.

In conclusion, the upcoming release of DApp V3.0 is a major step forward for the platform, as it introduces a range of changes that are aimed at making it more accessible and user-friendly. The ability to buy tokens with credit cards, the simplified onboarding process, and the introduction of perks for productions are just some of the exciting changes that users can look forward to in this new release.


