You don’t have to listen to music the way that Spotify or YouTube have told us we should | Podcast #184 of Money Never Sleeps

Pedro Mary M Quintana
Published in
5 min readJun 6, 2022

When you can own your music, you can share in the success of your artists

The co-founders of Staxe Luis Martinez and Martin Liebrich participate in the globally famous podcast Money Never Sleeps

You don’t have to listen to music the way that Spotify or YouTube have told us we should. When you can own your music, you can share in the success of your artists.

Money Never Sleeps is a weekly podcast that looks inside the minds of entrepreneurs and at the crossover of startups, enterprise, finance, technology, and life as we know it. Created in 2018 by Eoin Fitzgerald and Pete Townsend it is available on all major podcast platforms.

Eoin and Pete are two of the most well known players in the Start-Up ecosystem of Ireland, as advisors to and investors in fintech startups.

This time it was our chance to participate in the globally famous podcast Money Never Sleeps, as Staxe the co-founders Luis Martinez and Martin Liebrich had the chance to share our vision, mission, and what we do.

Staxe is enabling music and creative production economies on web3 so that anyone can become an owner of the music and creative productions, support their favorite artists, and become a part of their success.

Staxe is the seventh of the founding teams forming the Launchpool Web3 Techstars Accelerator Class of 2022.

Here are a few highlights of the Podcast In da Club | Staxe | Luis Martinez and Martin Liebrich by Money Never Sleeps

  • Luis left DJ school to become a trader before going down the crypto rabbit hole
  • Martin’s earliest days of programming on the Commodore 64
  • The lightbulb moment on the problem to solve with financing creative productions
  • How creative productions are like micro-startups
  • Blockchain as a social coordination tool
  • The big opportunity for Staxe with massive creative productions

Here are the Top 5 Moments from the Podcast #184 of Money Never Sleeps with the team of STAXE

  1. Luis Martinez the CEO of STAXE leaving DJ school to become a trader:

“I had this dream of being able to play around with music and synthesizers and bending sound with things like oscillators. I eventually got into DJ school and started learning how to use and manipulate the sounds.

“But somewhere along the way, my family came into this, and being a bit traditional as I’m from Mexico, the baby boomer generation had the traditional baby boomer way of looking at what your career should be. You need to study finance, law, or medicine, study hard, work hard and build.

“Being a DJ bending sounds is not part of that. So, I had to adapt my dreams and vision of what my career would be. I started studying finance, and very early in my career got into the trading rooms as a trader.”

2. Martin Liebrich on meeting Luis Martinez at a pitch session in Crypto Valley (Zug, Switzerland):

“It was 2017 and everything was going crazy. Although I didn’t own any crypto, I found it interesting, and I was pretty sure back then crypto is here to stay. That’s when I met Luis, as I was listening to a few of the startup pitches at a conference, and of the ones I found interesting was Staxe.

“In the beginning, the idea was just to invest in Staxe, but then over time, we found that we would compliment each other quite well. So, it became more than just an investment.”

“We mash ideas on the table and comes from that process is a much more landed and realistic set of tokenization features.”

3. Creative opportunities in WEB3.0 led by STAXE

“Staxe is a tokenization tool. We bring together creatives and their economies and enable them in web3, mostly music economies. We work with royalties from recorded music, live events, and ticketing as the main sources of income.”

“Our goal is to find those creative assets that will produce future income in a determined amount of time and that future income drives the potential for tokenizing something today.

“Staxe is effectively a two-sided marketplace where we supply assets from the creative space. Collectors and investors buy those assets because they want to share in the success of their artists, of their songs, of their creatives, as well as having some unique interactions along the way.”

4. Martin Liebrich on how scaling is enabled by UX and not the hardcore technical challenges:

“The big hurdle is getting people to use the Staxe dapp (distributed app) and to make it easy for them because we’re not a Defi protocol where you might have a bunch of degens who are all experienced with using crypto and web3 wallets.

“We have music lovers, and they might have no clue about crypto and wallets. Enabling all of this is a front-end UI/UX design problem, much less than a hard technical one.”

5. Martin Liebrich the co-founder of STAXE on the trustless challenge:

“As we’re bringing music rights into blockchain, we’re effectively bringing real-world assets into blockchain, and this is still quite an unsolved problem (in the majority) to do this in a truly decentralized and trustless way. In many of these protocols, you still have to trust somebody that they will enforce some legal contract.

“We’re working on how we can really improve on this, to make the whole context (of music rights) truly decentralized and trustless.”

Music and web3, our favorite moment:

“The challenge is to make as many creatives and fans aware of this opportunity, and it’s mostly an educational challenge. That means a lot of evangelizing and getting them to understand that you don’t have to listen to music the way that Spotify or YouTube have told us we should. When you can own your music, you can share in the success of your artists.”

If you want to listen the podcast go to:

If you are interested in decentralized finance and investing in a greater pool of options like cultural events or NFTs, you may want to check out Staxe to find out more. You can join our Discord channel here to get updated about the new investment opportunities for cultural production.

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