This Month In Things: February 2017

Taron Foxworth
Stay Connected
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2017


Every month, we provide a quick-and-dirty overview of the most interesting things that happened over the last month in the world of IoT and connected devices.

Where are people going to spend money on IoT?

The Boston Consulting Group predicted that, by 2020, spending for IoT will reach $267 billion. This analysis was insightful because they specified that the bulk of that money would be in predictive maintenance, self-optimizing production, and automated inventory management.

Alexa, Order Me a Cappuccino

Starbucks is making it easier to order your coffee. First, they released a virtual bot. Now, they now support orders from your Alexa device. Alexa can even remember your usual order ☕️.

Google Pixel Owners Can Control Their Smart Home

Pixel owners can now use Google Assistant to control their smart home devices — even if they don’t have a pixel.

Amazon Launches a STEM Service

Amazon has released a STEM toy subscription service. The service is $19.99/month. You can get different kits for children of different age ranges.

Now, You Can Own a Personal Robotic Arm

It’s a personal robotic arm that lives on your desk. This arm can pick up things, stir coffee, laser engrave, write, paint, and 3D print. The arm is fully programmable and only costs $209 on Indiegogo.

Now We Know Why The Note 7 Exploded

Essentially, the phone’s battery was too thin. The edges were rounded just enough where the negative electrodes in the battery touched, which created a short circuit.

Until next time, Stay Connected 😉



Taron Foxworth
Stay Connected

👋🏽 I’m Fox. I talk about computers, writing software, and making content. I’m CEO of Puzzle Labs.