Here’s how you can use your skills to travel for free

Aayush Poddar
Stay On Skill
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2017

“To travel is to take a journey into yourself.” ~ Danny Kaye

Given the wealth that travel bestows on one, its a no-brainer why one would want to travel as often as possible.

If the various Bollywood movies shot in foreign locales were not a temptation enough, we now have facebook posts by vacationing friends to wake up to and create this itch in us to get away from city life.

However, not often have I been able to scratch my itch. The universe seems to be conspiring against me in many imaginative ways. Most of my quirky tastes do not allow me to form a travel group easily as I rarely come across people with shared interests. In the event that I am lucky enough to do so, a friend paramount to the entire trip would invariably cancel his trip at the 11th hour. When I overcame this problem by deciding to travel solo, my funds ran out after the first long trip. But the itch has been getting stronger and I’ve been on a look out to find a cheap yet beautiful way to travel around the world. So I broke the travel budget into various buckets and realised if either my travel or my stay could be free, I could do multiple trips in a year. More than travel, if my stay and few meals could be free, I could look at longer duration ! The “how?” was to be figured.

The penny dropped when a friend of mine told me about Stay On Skill. For skilled people, travelling with Stay On Skill allows them to barter their skill for stay. This means that if you are good at playing guitar and there is a host in Darjeeling who wants to learn to play guitar, you could stay with him for free, teach him guitar for an hour a day and have the rest of your day to yourself to enjoy Darjeeling! What more?! There’s a possibility of meeting like minded people and get local insights. Now ain’t that super cool ?

If you would like to register yourself as a traveller, right now is the best time. Stay On Skill has launched their India Tour 2017, where in they are inviting skilled experts from around the world to travel India.

For me, the summer is booked. I hope you get yours booked too!

