Dundee Is Open Is Back!

Dundee Culture’s campaign comes as the city prepares to exit lockdown again.

Andrew Batchelor
Stay Safe Dundee
3 min readApr 14, 2021


Dundee Culture’s social media campaign, Dundee is Open, has re-launched as the city prepares to exit lockdown and the

Originally launched in the July of 2020, Dundee is Open helped the people of the city know what was opening back up in the city as it exited the first lockdown. The campaign was suspended in September 2020 due to the city’s attractions, restaurants and cafes were closing down again.

In response, Dundee Culture launched a new campaign, Stay Safe Dundee, letting people know what was happening in the city in relation to the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. This resulted in thousands of new followers following Dundee Culture and contributed to Dundee Culture having it’s best performing year alongside the Dundee is Open campaign.

Dundee is Open is now back as the city prepares to reopen back up to the world!

On it’s relaunch, Andrew Batchelor said:

“One year ago today, I started providing updates on COVID-19 in Dundee. One year on, I’m more committed than ever to continuing to keep you informed for as long as it takes. It’s been tough for all & especially those who have lost loved ones & friends.

But as we steer through this pandemic & despite the negatives — there are also positives too. With vaccinations in Tayside now hitting over 100,000, there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel & we are at a point where Dundee is about to reopen back up to the world as lockdown continues to ease.

Therefore, I am happy to announce the re-launch of the #DundeelsOpen campaign which will keep you informed about what is opening up again in Dundee & what measures are in place to keep you safe as much as possible.

The relaunch of the campaign has a new look.

I hope the re-launch of this campaign brings positivity and hope as we leave lockdown — hopefully for the last time. But this is no time to be complacent, we need to stick to the rules as much as possible when out and about.

If we don’t be cautious of our actions, we could end up back to square one — in lockdown and being told to stay at home. But, if we do stick to the rules, we can end up coming back to a state of normality.

Our actions and attitudes towards COVID-19 have a significant impact and that impact can make a difference in what happens to our community. So when Dundee reopens, please if you are going out, wear a face mask, socially distance and remember to wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds when coming back home. It will make a real difference.

The campaign offers the latest information on the reopening of visitor attractions in Dundee, like the V&A Dundee.

The Dundee is Open campaign will be one of positivity & optimism, keeping the people of Dundee informed about what’s reopening & how things are going. The initial campaign from July-September 2020 was amazing however it was suspended due to the country re-entering lockdown.

That’s when the #StaySafeDundee campaign was launched and since then, Dundee Culture has managed to keep thousands of people informed and I am committed to running the campaign up until the end of COVID-19.

I look forward to showcasing this newly created and newly designed, engaging campaign. I can’t wait to share it with you. Please continue to #StaySafeDundee, the city is reopening very soon and there will very much be positive vibes ahead.



Andrew Batchelor
Stay Safe Dundee

Award Winning Dundee Ambassador / Founder, Dundee Culture / Columnist, Evening Telegraph / Host and Writer of This Dundonian Life / Very Proud Dundonian