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The Beginner Writers’ Wrestling Match Pt.1

This beginner writer grapples with shorter sentences, fails and tries again. Perhaps a vital writing lesson?

Vlad Soriano
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2017


Do you put too many words in a sentence?
If you’re like me, you want to break this bad habit. But it’s hard.

I want to break out into something worthy of typing at least twenty words in a sentence to prove that I can create seemingly deep and insightful sentences. (Ha ha!)

God, that felt good.

But I bet, for you, it was awful to read. Right?

It’s clunky and pompous. But it felt great to show off.
And yet, I could lose your attention at any second.

So. Why do we complicate our writing?

I write this listening to one of my mentors.
He whispers to me, “Cut! Delete! Simplify!”

Simplicity can’t be under estimated.
Simpler sentences are powerful.

It gets the point or idea across; engages the reader.

So I try to write short sentences. Now.
I can tell you… it’s frustrating!

Okay, I admit… that previous sentence originally read like this:

I can honestly tell you that it’s just utter frustration to write in this style

I deleted it and tried again. It’s insane.

The point of this post is to demonstrate the contrast.
I’m recording my emotions as I learn to change my style.

In fact, it’s not just changing my writing. It’s about changing me. There’s no short cut, just a deliberate conscious decision to change my thinking.

I am watching every word. Being judicious & considered.

My prose now sounds like crude poetry. And I don’t like it. I prefer to give the entire picture in one go.

Still, perhaps my mentor is right. It makes sense, even as I re-read it and say it out load. Simpler is better afterall.

I hope this helps you.

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Vlad Soriano has been a business technologist for over 20 years. He’s recently begun his journey into writing. Read more at

