From France: Isabelle, teacher

Silvia Costantini
#iorestoacasa #StayAtHome
3 min readApr 28, 2020


[*Special thanks for the translation to Emma]

In the everyday life we don’t have contacts, it’s like everything were surreal. I keep myself informed reading the news everyday: lots of ill people, lots of deaths, while here everything seems to go by smoothly.
I’m not worried, maybe because what’s happening seems far.

I’m at my parents’ house, near the sea at 50 km from Nantes. They’re not here, but with me there’s my whole family: my husband and our four children.
Here in France, the lock-down began on 17 March and since then I’m working from home: my name is Isabelle and I’m a teacher of primary school.

Days go by slowly

Before we moved here, I worked in Lione and my days were always full between teaching and the kids as soon as I arrived home. Now everything happens in the same place: in the morning I dedicate myself to my distance-class and then I spend time with my children. I repeat always the same routine, the days go by slowly and they are all the same. I’m a bit bored, because my social life is not the same as before.
I really miss my friends, but I’m also rediscovering the beauty of writing and I’m realizing a book. We’re lucky to be near the sea, it gives me the opportunity to go out jogging every day.

The perception of what happens around

In the everyday life we don’t have contacts, it’s like everything were surreal.
I keep myself informed reading the news everyday: lots of ill people, lots of deaths, while here everything seems to go by smoothly.

I’m not worried, perhaps because what is happening seems still far: we’re secluded at home, it’s true, but life continues to seem normal.

How do you imagine it will be after

I don’t know, I can’t imagine it.
Maybe nothing will change after, we’ll want to party because everything is over, but I think that life will come back to normal.

The first thing I’ll do is to meet my closest friends, as soon as possible without any problems.

Stay together…

Distance is now necessary to be careful and to not let the virus spread, but even so we can stay together, think about others, think about people we love to not forget them.

Personally what is helping me to face this period is playing the piano and, sometimes, reading manga.

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