Sunday Oyedele
Published in
4 min readApr 1, 2021


Some intact action that aid relationship to last. Gentleness, self-sacrifice, and generosity are the deluxe possession of one race or religion and only the weak are cruel.

Photo by Joseph Gonzalezb on unsplash

Gentleness can only be foreseen from the strong. A great relationship is clothed with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, nothing is won by temper or force. Who dares to face a relationship battle alone; everyone has numerous titles to hold. When you find yourself directing in many sectors to rule on; there will be a dark side that will confuse you. Quick attention and thinking compete in different matters. As I came via a pathless way to this world aiming to attain success through a relationship with others. I found myself in such a great family where love is shared; little failed compassion is nothing because there is a thing more important on our spiritual path than developing happiness. Feeling calm embraces my soul wisdom to replenish my mind. Generating truthful life, gentleness, and fearlessness is not easy to be enriched with unless self-control is in charge. The relationship never worked for a straightforward path for two or more people because it cares to go widely not to focus on a thing.

"Oh, father of great honor shouting is no mean to your great people"

always said on my mind. You shared love in your humility spirit which flows like a fluid that stimulated our joy. My siblings in their low knowledge get confused and shock to shout. It is the right idea to scold your fruits with your right hand and draw them back with your left hand to create a space or sense of thinking and knowledge. As a grown child, brought up with facial fear got a strong mind of fearlessness; the crucial outcome of fearing led to proving bold than you are, and then anything face always is fooled with a great privilege someone got to deliver oneself. I stood by you, getting to your height with a hand of torture.

I can observe and this is widely cleared that you generated love, joy, peace, kindness, and goodness but do away with gentleness and self control_these are the central action of human with value and these are not easy to have as I'm aware of what you can do,
"Why can't I"
Having lived with you for many years reacted and corrected my ways. I believe you as my demi-god. I dare not to say any word of concern to advise you due to my fearful spirit of not being scolded. As growth is increasing boldness, I lose fear for your face or look because it is certain. Children with a burden of disobedience act cannot be dissipated with a gentle warning but guide with the right torture. Children might provoke their parent_they do not know the effect of what they lust interest in; the parent has to direct them with regulations.

When Lion roared, the whole weaker in the wild kingdom remained and settled for silence; making a shout can make your lady or children achieve. Shouting cannot express your mind or talk, it is a quick action that most people don't understand. Making a shout fooled the addressee, does not motivate them. A soft word with nice caring will regulate your action.

Noticing your people will make you a perfect person. Do you know notice can make you understand others clearly? I never fall victim to dilemma due to studying or noticing people; this is a big way to have your mind because people might not complain to you but looking at their face or their mood; some fear you because of the inconvenience they found in you but you can solve this by tapping them with encouragement words after noticing. Inconvenience forges space for a change of behavior, it might happen because of stress or dislike. A mother adopts this to their infant due to the infant state of being not capable to express their want. Mothers do calculate the interval of time for them to eat and can also know whether they want to sleep or they are sick by noticing their excessive cry likewise this kind of noticing can solve many problems out in any relationship. You try harder to confront your partner for being wrong sometimes and give definite reasons for this.

I love being happy with people, I keep on urging my age mate or my younger ones of what I have noticed in them. I might find changes in them and do stimulate them by praising them. I make sure I understand my humanity before I can contribute to what I've been told. I proved and entrusted myself to build a lasting relationship by hearing words faster and slow to respond or react to avoid unnecessary trends.

Any relationship can not be thrilling if this is not employed:

  • Contribution: if any partner got an issue and seek a piece of advice or not; you must urge your partner with some right words to fit affirming
  • Notice: noticing is the best way to reveal an untold matter in your mind. You can know about a person from their movements.
  • Caring and support: this can not be missed due to the basics of backing others with what they lack.



Sunday Oyedele

I'm an art director, my writings focus on the audience who philander with tools for self or business promotion.