7 Tips for Better Mornings

Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2017
Photo by David Mao on Unsplash

Traveling a lot surely is exhausting for all of us nomads, which makes it even more of a struggle for us to wake up early. However, there is no need to worry because with these 7 tips you will be able to have better mornings and start your day right.

1. Set your alarm according to sleep cycles
Too much sleep makes you tired, just as much as sleep deprivations does. The solution is to set your alarm according to the time you need to wake up and also considering your sleep cycle. It is said that 90 minutes of sleep represents 1 sleep cycle, and adults from 20 to 30 years old need between 4 and 5 sleep cycles, which makes 8 hours of sleep the maximum. For example, if you intend to sleep at 23:00, waking up at 6:30 will be enough sleep for you and if work starts at 9:00, you can have some time to start your day right and not rush.

2. Have your curtains halfway opened
Not fully closing your curtains boosts your mindset to wake up earlier. As annoying as it is having a beam of light on your face in the morning, sunlight is your natural alarm clock and having your curtains halfway opened will help natural sunlight come in, which makes it harder for you to ignore your alarm clock.

3. Put your alarm away from your reach
Snoozing your alarm is a problem that will not help you wake up early and will only mess with your sleeping patterns, so it’s best to put your alarm away from your reach to help you actually get up to turn off the alarm. Investing in a fancy alarm that runs around the house, or one that yells at you, or one that makes coffee for you might be a good idea if you have the budget for it.

4. Drink a glass of water upon waking up
Drinking a glass of water immediately after waking up not only rejuvenates your skin after hours of dehydration, it also helps you with your morning toilet routine and your lymph system.

5. Prepare a healthy breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it charges you up for the coming activities, but make sure not to consume too much sugar in the morning as it makes you sleepy. Also, eating something too heavy or in a massive portion will also fill you up too much and will not help with preventing you from dozing off during work. Some of the recommended breakfast menus are oats and smoothies.

6. Have a routine
Whether it’s exercise, meditation, or a morning journal, have a personal morning routine that you do everyday. This routine might be one of your interests or activities that can be directed towards your goal. If you want to compile a book next year, try writing a page a day to complete your chapters. If you are interested to have some calming time before your hectic day starts, a 30 minute meditation should be the way to go.

7. Cold shower
Cold showers are not only necessary to prevent you from smelling bad, but also to refresh you for the day. If your morning routine includes exercising or meditating, make sure to cool down and wait 30 minutes before taking a shower or you will catch a cold. A follow-up breakfast is also suggested instead of having breakfast before the shower.

Now you are ready for better mornings that are ahead of you. Go and get them!

