Healthy Tips During Your Trip

Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2017

The holiday is around the corner, and with that comes different forms of overindulgence. Especially if you’re going on a vacation, your biggest temptation is overindulging food because of all the buffet breakfast and meals at your hotel. However, your diet rules shouldn’t all be out the door just because of the holidays. Here are some of the things you can do to make sure that you won’t fall off the scale wagon after the holidays.

Travel with food

If you know that you’re going to traveling somewhere that’s going to take a little while, it’s better to carry with you some of your favorite healthy snacks to keep your hunger in check. If you’re going on a road trip, it’s best to bring along a small cooler filled with different goodies like fruits, sandwiches, and even cheese.By doing this, you’re less likely going to get an unhealthy snack or fast food just to fill your belly up.

Get healthy fast food

Airports and stations have different fast food restaurants available, and although they might not necessarily serve the healthiest foods, you can get your way around it by really looking at the nutritional facts information. Choose something the salad with the dressing on the side with extra tomatoes and lettuce. If you feel like eating meat, get chicken instead of red meat, and if you really want to “cheat”, you can get the small bag of french fries.

Let yourself go, but not too much

An enjoyable and important part of traveling is getting to try the local food, but the food might not necessarily check all the boxes on your diet list. If that’s the case, let yourself eat one meal a day that is authentic to where you are staying and enjoy the experience. For the other meals, try to be as healthy as possible without compromising your diet and try to savor all your foodie moments.

Think about your drink

There are a lot of sugary drink options out there, and when we’re on vacation, we tend to forget about this and throw it out the window. Skip the seemingly fruity drinks like ice lemon tea or lemonades that can have a lot of sugar, and just stick to the good ol’ water or go for fresh fruit juices. When it comes to booze, a lot of cocktails like margaritas can reach up to 500 calories, so stick to a glass of wine or a small glass of light beer.

Hopefully, with these tips, you don’t have to be ashamed of going back on the scale after your holidays. Even if you gained a pound or two, it still wouldn’t be the worst thing anyway, so just try and enjoy your holiday without compromising so much of your diet. Have fun!

