The Best Things To Do During Layovers

Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2017

Often times, people tend to opt for flights with layovers since it’s cheaper compared to flying to their destination directly. However, everyone knows that hanging around the airport to wait for the next flight can be really boring, especially if you’re traveling alone. So, here are some of the best things you can do during layovers:

Enjoy the good ol’ internet

As you’re basically deprived to the wonderful world of internet during the flight, short layovers are great not only to stretch a little but also to chat with friends and browse online to see what you’ve missed. Not only that, you can also watch funny videos or play online games on your devices.

Catch up on your favorite shows

If you’re like me and only enjoy the company of a good TV show, then layovers are the perfect time to either rewatch your favorite sitcoms or catch up on a new show. Simply download the shows before hand and watch them on your laptop or you can just stream the shows online.


Once you’ve flown for 10+ hours, shower becomes a lavish activity, so make sure to check if the airport has any shower rooms available. Most airports that are commonly used for layovers often would have showers available, but not all of them are free. Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport and Korea’s Incheon Airport in Korea are some of the few that offer free showers, and you can check others that might.

Work out

If you’re keen on showing your best yoga poses in public, be prepared with your yoga mat and you can break a little bit of sweat while you wait. Some airports also have yoga or fitness areas where you can actually bust out some moves or exercise in private. However, make sure to also check if the airport has available showers for you to hop on after a sweaty session, so you don’t have to smell like a dirty armpit for an entire flight.


If you happen to be taking a red-eye and still have to endure the pain of a layover, try taking a nap as you wait for your next flight. Many airports have sleeping areas where they have comfortable padded benches or even massage chairs for travelers to get a bit of rest. Just remember to set an alarm so you don’t actually miss your flight.

See the sights

When you have a really long layover, consider getting out of the airport to see the sights. There are airports that offer cheap transportation options to the city center for travelers to do some sight seeing. However, it’s important to see if you have all the requirements to leave the airport with your passport and most importantly if you have enough time.

Layovers can be dreadful, but as long as you do enough research about the airport where you’ll be waiting at and prepare the necessary things for the wait, then you’re ready to go. Try to have fun and make the best out of the situation. Have a safe flight!

