If you keep applying for jobs and getting nowhere, what can make the difference?

Stay Nimble
Stay Nimble
Published in
4 min readDec 12, 2020

Looking for work can be a long and lonely project. Friends and family may empathise, but they don’t always understand the pressures and demands of the recruitment process. Having someone in your corner who not only understands what is required professionally but is committed to your success is a huge advantage.

A career coach can be critical to maintaining focus and feeling positive. Most importantly, a great coach helps you to stand out for all the right reasons in a competitive market.

Rejections increase stress

Securing that first job after completing study can be difficult for anyone. But add in moving to a new country, and the challenges posed by COVID-19, and no wonder Tahmoor was struggling. He left Pakistan at the end of 2019 with a degree in mechanical engineering from the National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, intending to work in the UK.

After applying for more than 100 positions, rejection after rejection had dented his confidence, and lead him to question his future.

But then he got the support he needed to land the role that will launch his career. Tahmoor had started using Stay Nimble, a formidable combination of award-winning technology and staff who really believe in people fulfilling their potential. The Stay Nimble app offers a range of tests and tools to help users illuminate their strengths and skills and match these to available jobs.

What really sets Stay Nimble apart though is the dedicated, CDI-registered career coaches who are committed to your work journey and guiding it in the most rewarding direction.

Professional feedback and guidance

While working with Stay Nimble, Tahmoor connected with Jennifer, an experienced career coach.

‘That was when I saw that Stay Nimble is something that could really help people. And I’ve been referring all my friends who are looking for jobs to get in touch for work coaching,’ Tahmoor said.

With Jennifer’s support and recruitment expertise, he won a place in a prestigious programme with a leading rail infrastructure company where he can develop a career in alignment with his goals and passions.

Before collaborating with Jennifer, Tahmoor had felt increasing doubts about his applications, as they seemingly lead to nowhere, and even whether he was applying in the right way for the right roles.

‘I was kind of doubting my career choices and my future in the UK,’ he added. ‘At one point I did have low confidence, in terms of my competence. But that was before I had my chat with Jennifer.’

Caring, comprehensive coaching

Sharing concerns and receiving feedback from Jennifer was extremely reassuring and ultimately critical to success.

‘After I joined Stay Nimble and I was in contact with a career coach it took the edge off my anxiety in the job search,’ said Tahmoor. ‘I knew that I had a very competent and professional person to guide me through these things.’

With Jennifer’s input he was empowered to examine unsuccessful applications and see exactly where he had fallen short, and any other issues that needed to be addressed. Focused, informed feedback assisted Tahmoor with the practical aspects of his search, and knowing how to tailor applications to showcase his talents made him feel more in control, more enthusiastic and less apprehensive about next steps.

He was also inspired by Jennifer’s knowledge and the care with which she monitored every aspect of Tahmoor’s journey.

‘I was continually learning,’ said Tahmoor. ‘The one thing that I experienced the most with her was her attention to detail and the attention that she gave to my case in general.’

Tahmoor found that even minor things he mentioned in passing were carefully considered for his benefit.

‘That was just inspiring and, it was really, really amazing to see how much she cares and how much she’s actually putting into this work,’ Tahmoor said.

Confidence from being fully prepared

‘Throughout this experience, the respect just grew massively,’ Tahmoor added, ‘in terms of how I view Stay Nimble, and how I view Jennifer as a person and as a work coach, helping me with everything I needed in my job search.’

When Tahmoor did get an interview, Jennifer helped him with that too, which resulted in a job offer.

‘I really hold Jennifer in high regard and (as soon as I landed my job) I really wanted to tell her that I succeeded, as she played a really big part in that.’

Searching for a job can be hard, and Tahmoor learnt that you just have to keep going. However, he also learnt that the right support can have a huge impact — that Stay Nimble played a significant role in his success, and could do the same for others.

‘I would describe Stay Nimble as the go-to career advice platform, because this is probably the best platform that I’ve used, and I’ve been associated with, three or four,’ he said.

‘Each one of you guys actually care,’ Tahmoor said, when summing up his experience. ‘So that’s essentially what I tell my friends; that Stay Nimble will actually go above and beyond trying to help you.’



Stay Nimble
Stay Nimble

Awakening ambitions with transformative coaching & career development that's fuelling the personal and professional growth of individuals & teams.