Steal This Idea: Voicemail → Transcription → Notes

Here’s an idea you can steal…

Jeff Gibbard
Steal This Idea Now


Photo by why kei on Unsplash

First, some context:

I listen to a lot of podcasts and audiobooks when I’m in the car. Unfortunately, despite having CarPlay, it’s difficult to take notes using dictation.

Sure, I could use the siri integration with the Apple Notes app, but it’s not great. I then also have to transfer my notes from Apple notes into Notion, my preferred note-taking application.

Beyond that, it doesn’t even work very well. The CarPlay dictation feature stops if I pause for more than a few seconds. This doesn’t allow me to fully formulate my thoughts. Even if an integration were to be released for Notion or Drafts (the app I use for dictation), it would still likely time out.

So, here is my better solution…

There should be a service where I can sign up, call a phone number, and leave a voicemail.

After I hang up, any reasonably good AI should be able to transcribe my voice into text.

Then, I should have the option of having my transcription emailed to me, or integrate it with Zapier or other note-taking tools.

Ideally, this would be priced on a consumption basis rather than, yet ANOTHER, subscription. Or maybe a reasonable combo like $1.99/mo for 5 minutes of transcription, than $1 per minute after that.

Go forth, build it. I’ll be your first customer.

This publication exists because I keep coming up with ideas for businesses and content projects, but I don’t have anymore time. So, maybe you can do something with it.

Here are some other things that might help:

▶️ How to start a business in one week

📅 Get your copy of the Ultimate Content Calendar

🛒 Browse more free and premium resources (including Notion templates) on The SUPER Market

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Jeff Gibbard
Steal This Idea Now

Superhero. Professional Speaker & Workshop Trainer. World's Most Handsome Strategist. Author of The Lovable Leader 📚 Host of the Shareable Podcast 🎙