SDBS #22 | Announcing Stealth qPoS Public Testnet

Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2019

The Stealth qPoS Internal Testnet ends, making way for Public Testnet

In today’s SDBS post I am happy to announce that the Stealth Quantum Proof-of-Stake protocol is ready for public testing. During this next week, I will make the code ready for public testnet (herein referred to as “testnet”). Testnet will start on Wednesday September 11. Testnet will have a very short proof-of-work (PoW) period that includes the testnet premine, controlled completely by the dev team. Then, to bootstrap block production and allow the issuances of testnet StealthNodes, the testnet will have about one week of traditional (King-Nadal) proof-of-stake (PoS), also controlled entirely by the dev team. After the traditional PoS period, the testnet will make a transition to Stealth Quantum Proof-of-Stake (qPoS).

Except for one or two StealthNodes operated by the team, we hope Public Testnet StealthNodes will be entirely operated by community testnet participants (i.e. non-dev team).

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Incentivization of Testnet Participation

To incentivize participation in the testnet, we will have a fund of 25,000 XST that will be divided among non-dev team StealthNode operators. These operators will be in competition to achieve StealthNode earnings. At the conclusion of testnet, the 25,000 XST will be divided among the operators according to their StealthNode testnet earnings.

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Public Testnet Ready qPoS Video Demonstration

Because transition to the public testnet represents a major milestone in the evolution of qPoS, I have made a video that demonstrates the functionality and usage of qPoS in its current state of development.

In this video, I discuss the origins of the Stealth cryptocurrency, our grand vision, where qPoS fits into that vision, how qPoS works, the current performance status of the qPoS protocol, some qPoS functionality, and a brief discussion of the upcoming public testnet.

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Some links mentioned in the video are:

Please note that some information was unwittingly cut off during the video.

First I discussed several “key-value” pairs. These are found on the Stealth news page:

  • “last_name” : “Doe”
  • “first_name” : “Jane”
  • “favorite_number” : 317
  • “certified_node” : “”

Second, I accidentally cut off the command to spend a claim. This command took the form:

./StealthCoind createrawtransaction ‘[{“txid”:”f0d202c5dfd74e5a02dcf3f23cb4024acac7b32b40402d57bc83f181eca16645",”vout”:0}]’ ‘{“mjYDkBpKyMaihhn2pDsE8o5H21TUymRx8N”:250.834073}’

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