StealthSwap’s Roadmap

Tyrell | StealthSwap
Published in
5 min readNov 1, 2020

Now that StealthPay and our Staking Dashboard have been released to the public for a few weeks now, the StealthSwap team has taken the time to solidify our plans for StealthSwap’s future.

To accompany the release of our roadmap, this article will serve to further detail the updates and features we have in the works.


In November of 2020, we will be implementing community governance to help bring the control of OWL and StealthPay into the hands of its users. Similarly to projects like and Balancer, we will be using for governance. Once implemented, this will allow the community to make decisions such as deciding the fee structure on StealthPay.

The first decision to be handled by StealthSwap’s governance will be to decide what to do with the 500k OWL leftover from the supply. You can propose whatever you will like and OWL holders will vote what to do with it.

StealthPay v2

We have several upgrades planned for StealthPay v2. As previous announcements have stated, we will be updating StealthPay to work with the Gas Station Network. While it was our plan to include this in version 1 of StealthPay, GSN was only recently updated to support the Ethereum Mainnet. This is beneficial for users, since it will remove the additional ether fee needed to withdraw from the stealth address. This change has users instead pay the gas fee with the token they are using. Paying with the token itself increases the privacy of the stealth wallet, since there is no additional ether transaction linked to it.

Additionally, we will be moving to an improved encryption scheme allowing smaller payment notes. We will be compressing the current 128 byte array to 32 bytes, reducing on-chain costs for users.

We will also be switching to a hash-based withdraw system. Rather than our current method of storing plain addresses, we will switch to a hash based solution which will decrease the chances of a privacy leak.

The switch to GSN along with the privacy upgrades on our end should significantly enhance the privacy and usability of StealthPay. Our plan is to have StealthPay v2 released in it’s entirety in November 2020.

StealthPay UI Redesign

Moving into the last month of 2020, we would like to focus on the user experience of StealthPay. While our current app is fully functional, we would like to revamp the app’s design to provide users with a more intuitive, informative, and consistent experience. We believe the best way to go about making this transition is to rewrite StealthPay in REACT, which compared to our current framework (Vue.js), allows many more possibilities in terms of design and usability. This update is planned for January 2021.

This update will include additional features such as being able to choose your level of privacy. As one example, users will be able to decide whether or not they would like to use set amounts (0.1, 1, 10, 100) for sending ETH or use any amount they choose. In that example, this would strengthen user privacy through outside viewers not being able to link transactions through “unique” amounts.

Another big feature we will like to release is the ability for users to add whatever tokens they would like to transact with. Since we do not provide liquidity to transact privately like with a mixer, we will be able to offer users the choice to send and receive any ERC20 token they would like.

More features are being actively developed but still need to be tested before we can assure they are safe to implement and can be balanced between privacy and accessibility for users.

StealthSwap SDK

Our final goal of 2020 is to release the StealthSwap SDK. This will allow other apps on the Ethereum network to easily integrate with the StealthSwap protocol. We believe DeFi projects are best suited to interact with the grander ecosystem they are a part of, and releasing an SDK will ease StealthSwap’s adoption into the grander DeFi space.

With the SDK, OWL’s adoption will be furthered since users will still need to use OWL to pay for transaction fees when using StealthSwap’s protocol. We will be implementing something to make sure this always remains user friendly and will not hinder dapps from implementing StealthSwap into their protocols.

StealthPay on IPFS

With StealthPay rewritten and redesigned using REACT, we would like to launch an instance of StealthPay on IPFS in February 2021. Given the privacy centered nature of our app, we believe hosting on IPFS will help improve the decentralization of StealthPay. This will make it so the StealthPay frontend is accessible to users forever. If you would like to read more about IPFS, then check out

StealthSwap DEX

Finally, in March 2021, we plan to release the StealthSwap DEX. This is the product we are most excited to release to the public. Once we are a bit closer to the release of our DEX, a separate article will be released, fully detailing its functionality, as well as the guarantees it provides in terms of privacy.

While we are more than excited to be working closer and closer to release each of the above mentioned upgrades and features, along the way we are always looking for new ideas and unexpected opportunities to make StealthSwap a better suite of privacy focused apps. The above mentioned items are what we currently have planned, so while these items and dates are concrete, we believe we may add items as we progress towards the StealthSwap DEX.

Lastly, the team will be incrementally adding support for additional ERC-20 tokens on StealthPay throughout the development of the items in our roadmap until we add the ability for any token to be implemented.

We are excited to share our plans with our community, and are more than grateful for the patience, support, and interest the community has provided. In the end, we hope these upgrades will give back to the community, providing a full suite of privacy related products on the Ethereum network.

