Do you want to know who followed / stopped following you on Steemit?

Shaun Morrow
Steem Stories
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2017

I did, so I created a small site where I can get some visibility in to who is following me, stopped following me and who is ignoring my posts.

I thought other people might find it useful, so I have made it publicly available, head on over to and check it out!

The How

First, head on over to
When you land you will be shown data for a random user, to see the data on your followers, type your Steem username in the text box next to Username. In the image you can see it has steemitblog in.
Next choose the period you want to see the data for, from the drop down.
There are four choices, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months and all time.
Finally click the search button and off you go!

You should get a graph, as well as a table with all the activity for the period you chose, each user has a link to their Steemit profile, as well as a link to see their follower data as well.

I hope you find it useful!

If I get enough of a response I am going to register a domain for it, make it legit!

The Why

I am no social media guru, only giving the number of followers on my account a cursory glance, until one day I noticed the number had dropped.
That made me ask, ‘who stopped following me?’.

I tried digging into my followers on the Steemit interface, but so pretty quickly that it did not show historical data. ‘No biggie’ I thought and carried on…

But a seed had been planted, if, when someone follows you, it is recorded on the blockchain, then surely you can look back through the transaction and accumulate the data, finding out who stopped following you in the process?

Turns out you can!

The What

So the data is available on the blockchain, but I am very green when it comes to that, so I chose a different path.
In a previous post, I wrote about how to access blockchain data using the STEEMSQL service kindly created and hosted by @arcange.

I can work my way around SQL, so I spent a bit of time figuring out how the follow data was stored in the database.

For performance reasons (and to be a good citizen), I extracted the data I needed and stored it on my own server.

Next I wrote a quick PHP script, to crunch the data and spit it out in a way it can be used in a graph.

The graph took me some time, but thats another story for another post!


This is far from being a polished site, it has a few warts.

I am also want to add more functionality, firstly I want to add a trendline so that you can see how your followers have accumulated over time.

Next would probably be to filter the table, so that you can see more easily who followed, unfollowed or ignored you.

For now I am happy its (semi) done.

What do you think? Please leave a comment.

What functionality would you like to see?
What can be added to really add value for you?
Would you recommend this to a friend? Why? Why not?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post!

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