[Steemhunt] Webpage Update

Jay Playco
Published in
4 min readJan 25, 2019

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.” — J. Pierpont Morgan

Hi, @jayplayco here.

The web version of Steemhunt got an update and I would like to have a short view into it.

Screenshot from Steemhunt.com

If you get into the page at www.steemhunt.com you will see on the left side that the view got updated. We have still the same BI and colors but the information on the site has been updated. As Steemhunt is growing and despite the current developing situation of SMT, the service is moving on to engage more users to its service. Streamlining the first page of Steemhunt is one of these tasks and has been just finished.

1. Stats

Interesting numbers about Steemhunt

a. Number of products

You will find important numbers under Stats which is showing how many products have been hunted until now since March 2018. These numbers are showing only the verified hunts, which means that Steemhunt moderators have been moderated much more hunts. The pass rate has been always under 90% and before changing the posting guideline it was even under 70%. Based on this percentage we can assume that Hunters have submitted more than 50K hunts until now.

b. The highest amount earned for a post

247.13$ (STU) was the highest amount for a single hunt. This number will stay at it is until Steem will increase in value or Steemhunt is changing the ranking upvoting algorithm again. In the beginning, the voting for ranking was based on the ranking itself, so that the first place got a 100% upvoting from the @steemhunt account. Unfortunately the abusing took overhand and was the base ground to develop the first version of ABV and finally evolved to the current Hunter level based voting. I am sure that even with the current Hunter level based upvoting, that Steemhunt will be able to show an even higher STU for the highest amount of post in the near future.

c. Average reward for hunt posts

3.52$ STU is actually a very interesting number. You are only able to get an upvoting from the Steemhunt account if you are above a hunter level 1. Additionally, your HUNT token stake is also counted into your level which decides the final reward. The average means that if a hunter is actively participating at Steemhunt you can aim for a reward of 3.52$ STU, which can be a good (additional) income source in some regions.

2. How To (Dig More, Earn More, How?)

Discover, Upvote and earn Rewards

The next section is a short and crisp explanation what Steemhunt is about and how to engage. This is mostly concentrating on an easy explanation for users that never have been engaged with Steemhunt.

  • It is starting with the main activity for visitors that Steemhunt is a place where you can actually discover new and cool products.
  • The next point gives a short explanation on how the community works, without getting too much into heavy details. The section explains that a user can discuss a product or upvote a product if they like it.
  • The last point concentrates on the reward part, which is unique due to the Steem BC economy and lets Steemhunt stood out compared to other product ranking sites.

3. Currencies

STEEM and HUNT tokens

It is important to enable a new visitor to have a soft landing on your service. Therefore we can see that the funneling of information started with the overall service and ends with a short explanation of how and with what you are rewarded. External links explaining what Steem as currency and HUNT token as currency gives a new user the ability to dig deeper if needed.

The difference for hunters at the moment is, that the reward for hunters post or comment is rewarded in Steem and additionally in HUNT tokens. HUNT tokens can also be gained with different airdrop activities, which has a wider reward spectrum on community activities.

4. Conclusion

Based on the new design it is, compared to the version before, much more streamlined for users outside of Steem. It is a general homework for all Steem based Dapps to reach users outside of Steem economy to increase the user base. (Not only for the Dapp but also for the whole Steem economy) Starting with the main page to enable a soft landing of new users, not knowing about Steem, is a good idea. Combined with social media activities I think we have a great base to attract users.

Originally published at busy.org on January 25, 2019.



Jay Playco

Writing about Blockchain, Startups and Token economy in general. https://linktr.ee/jayplayco