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Either be a leader, or be a slave.

Era Hardaway
STEEZ Premium
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2018


“If everybody in your clique is rich, your clique is rugged.
Nobody will fall cause everyone will be each other’s crutches..”
-Jay Z “Feelin It”

That emphatic Jay-Z lyric above has always stuck with me throughout my living years and time after time again has proven itself to be true through my experiences. Amongst this world, there is a multitude of races, ethnicities, cultures, and creeds that diversify us as people, and we use these different characteristics to classify each person beyond our unique traits. But when it comes down to making a difference in society, leaving your mark on the world, there are two options: either put in the blood, sweat, and tears to carve your own path and start your own business or settle for the regular 9–5 working to build another person’s dreams.

Which do you want to be, A leader, or a slave?

The average working person in a today’s economy are comfortable working a regular 9–5 job for a majority of their lives in order to build up their 401K to retire and live happily ever after. They wake up in the morning with one thought on their mind: how am I going to make my day as easy as possible. Each day spent at work is synonymous to the previous, creating a routine of working 5 days of the week, building the desire and anxiety of what each weekend will ensue away from the chaos of their job.

A leader

When a leader wakes up in the morning, they wake up with one sole thought in mind: How am I going to change the world. Well, that may not be every leader’s initial thought waking up, but a leader is always thinking about what they can do today to benefit the future of themselves, as well as others. In creating or developing a business, product, method, theory, project, etc., their goal isn’t short-term, nor is it materialistic, as they know that they will reap the benefits of their work sooner or later. Their focus is purpose: How can I progress society for the greater good? How can I solve a problem or improve the lifestyle of the billions of people that inhabit Earth, including myself? How can I shed light to eradicate the darkness of ignorance in the depths of one’s mind to show them that their is more to life than just being alive? A leader’s success is not based upon him/her self, but upon the success of others.


Leaders put in work to make their own path, set their own rules, and pave a new way to make it easier for the next person to take this uncommon route. Slaves take the path someone else set out for them, just as it is. They don’t try to innovate or improve their means of progression on this arranged path, they just accept it for what it is.

Which one are you? A leader, or a slave?

