An Overlooked Skill for Building a Business That Sticks

Stefan Pretty
Stefan Pretty
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2017

Every one talks about product market fit, marketing strategy, viral coefficients, customer support, growth hacking, etc, etc…

In fact I’m going to exercise this skill right now and keep this short. Because I know you don’t want to read a lengthy article, your time is precious and you’re busy and have sh*t to do. I get it. I’m with you.

But there is one thing that will allow you to really know what feature to build next, how to position your product in terms of marketing, how to design your UI, how to approach customer support and the rest.


That’s it. If you can put yourself in your target audience’s (that’s a whole other topic) shoes, then you can make better faster decisions.

Take the blindfold off

It does require practice and skills, and understanding of the human condition and psyche. But I implore you to start doing this. Put yourself in their damn shoes.

How would you feel about that feature? That form? That button? That customer support experience, or even rep? What about the marketing materials?

And if you suck at empathy, just ask, don’t be afraid, you’ll quickly get feedback to help guide you.

There’s an even more fundamental question, which we’re exploring internally at Subbly right now, I will share more when we have gone through that journey.

But remember. Empathy helps build products that don’t suck and marketing that resonates.




Stefan Pretty
Stefan Pretty

Founder & CEO of 🤘. Bootstrapper. Advisor. Public Speaker. Scottish and living in LA.