Cast Away is Actually a Story of an Entrepreneur

Know what you’re getting into by watching this film

Stefan Pretty
Stefan Pretty


Tonight I watched the film Cast Away for maybe the second time in my life. I’ve been sick in bed the last 2 day’s and been trying to find inspirational films, even better, ones I can related to and thats when I remembered this classic. If you haven’t watched regardless, you should. Amazing acting from Tom Hanks as always. Ok so here’s why Cast Away is the story of an entrepreneur.

It’s Lonely

There is one thing that is definite when you venture into the unknown: you’ve chosen this path and it’s you on your own. Just like Chuck Nolan (played by Tom Hanks) is alone on the island, running your own business very much feels like being on an island on your own at times. That’s why it’s important to surround yourself with loved ones and a support system who can advise you and guide you as well as provide emotional support.

The Unknown & Uncertainty

Right from the moment the plane crashes into the Pacific Ocean Chuck is surrounded by and immersed in sheer uncertainty and the unknown. Will I survive? Will they find me? When running your own business you face this every day. Will I succeed? Will we be able to survive the next few months? Will this deal close? There is no denying that running a business can be stressful but embracing the uncertainty to become a motivating factor is one way of coping and also knowing that there will always be uncertainty in life. Chuck realises this at the end of his journey.

“And I know what I have to do now. I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?” — Chuck Nolan

It’s Emotional & Testing

Throughout the film Chuck develops a character out of a volleyball which is washed up with him on the beach. He names it “Wilson” (like the brand) and he manages to give him a character and treats him like a real person. As a coping mechanism it highlights the mental toll which being alone and facing uncertainty can lead to. You question Chuck’s sanity at stages but at the same time you know that his behaviour is acceptable and realise that there is sanity in his insanity. Without becoming a film critique and talking about how it is entertaining yet they even manage to make you sad when he parts way with the volleyball (well done sir…) the volleyball and emotional outbreaks that Chuck experiences represents how emotionally taxing and testing running a business can be, there are a lot of examples of how running and starting up your own business can really genuinely break people. It’s important to acknowledge this and be prepared, there is no stigma around this (I hope not) and make sure you have that support I mentioned in the paragraph above about it being lonely.

Ups & Downs

Chuck albeit is in a challenging scenario overall still experiences many ups and downs. He is injured but he then succeeds in creating fire. Running a business has many ups and downs, it’s a roller coaster. I would be inclined to say that it almost seems there are more downs in running a business. However, the ups are euphoric and outweigh those down’s.

Learn Fast or Die

Chuck has to learn quick to survive along with those ups and downs. He learns the hard way with many things. How to create fire with many injuries along the way. How to hunt fish, how to get clean drinking water. He has to learn to adapt fast to survive. Business, yup, is just the same! Except there is no death, well, I hope not…

Love Motivates

At the very core of Chuck’s will and drive to “keep breathing” and to survive is his love for Kelly. This one might not be applicable to everyone but it’s common knowledge that motivation is often fueled by love for someone or even something. They say behind every great man is a great woman. Whether that’s sexist or not the gist is there, love drives people. Talking from first hand experience as well.

Good Luck

If you choose to embark on this journey like Chuck then I wish you good luck. It is no easy journey but it can be hell of a worth it. I’m still on mine! I founded and run a digital agency in Edinburgh, Scotland. But please watch this film with what I have said in mind. I think people need to really think about what’s involved with being an Entrepreneur. It’s also a pretty great film to enjoy!

-Stefan Pretty



Stefan Pretty
Stefan Pretty

Founder & CEO of 🤘. Bootstrapper. Advisor. Public Speaker. Scottish and living in LA.