What Holds You and Most Others Back from Success

Stefan Pretty
Stefan Pretty


Today I was having a conversation with a lovely woman about men and relationships and how men sometimes just resign themselves to being unattractive or disliked by women. And it got me thinking.

This doesn’t just happen in this scenario. But the crazy thing is, we all do it in life. Like an echo chamber of bullsh*t. And the best part is… no one is listening to you.

So let me break it down and highlight it to you. The reason you are limiting your success in life and relationships.

You would rather moan about it than do something about it

There. I said it. We all are guilty of this. Instead of picking up a book or talking to women to find out what they could do better, in the above scenario and example, the men would rather sulk and be unhappy and blame others rather than take responsibility for the changes they can make.

Let’s talk about how moaning and not taking action is a form of avoiding responsibility and being entitled, for a minute.

Responsibility vs Entitlement

Entitlement is a killer of motivation and action.

Responsibility is what allows us to grow as individuals and is the antithesis of entitlement.

Best of all… when you moan…

No one cares

That’s the harsh reality. Most people are self absorbed or got their own sh*t going on.

Your energy and negative vibes only hurt you. You also expend precious energy you could be using to achieve greatness for yourself and progress in your life.

Responsibility is what allows us to grow as individuals and is the antithesis of entitlement.

So shut up and suck it up!

Sorry to be harsh, but what did you expect? Between my Mum’s hardy influences and my Scottish traits, I’m blunt.

So the thing you’re feeling sorry for yourself for, instead of sulking or not accepting it at least – ask yourself how you can actually do something to improve it.

And if you don’t come up with anything, then just stop moaning and learn to accept it, because you don’t care enough about it and it’s just wasting your energy.

Keep on getting up and fighting for yourself. No one else will. Respect yourself.

Side Note

I know this will come up. So to nip it in the bud… processing emotions and letting them out is important and necessary. It’s when it becomes chronic moaning without action, that it then becomes an excuse and limiting to you. It’s more common in your life that you think though. And if you’re defending your moaning, ask yourself why? That could be the same mechanism allowing yourself to not take action. Let it out, process it, then move on from moaning and complaining, to solutions and action. (Thanks Joss for highlighting this! ❤️).


Moaning doesn’t change anything. Most people would rather moan than do something about it, but that doesn’t lead anywhere!

Till next time friend.

Love you!



Stefan Pretty
Stefan Pretty

Founder & CEO of https://www.subbly.co 🤘. Bootstrapper. Advisor. Public Speaker. Scottish and living in LA.