Why you’re not going to be a billionaire, and you probably won’t be a millionaire either…

Stefan Pretty
Stefan Pretty
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2016

And that’s ok, let’s just take a pause for a second…

I admire and completely advocate ambition and working hard for your passions and goals. But what I am hearing and seeing more and more of, is people who set the most unruly mystical expectations for themselves then fail hard (compared to the goal) and then beat themselves up, burn out and even attempt suicide or question their self worth at the very least.

This is not the way it should be.

So let’s talk serious for a second.

Do you think the founders of Instagram/Facebook/Uber/Unicorn Co. etc set out saying “I want to be a billionaire”? No… They set out to make a difference and to follow their passion.

Thats the first distinction.

Don’t chase the money, money does not bring happiness. It just doesn’t. Yes.. I hear you saying “but it helps!” … of course.

Happiness isn’t for tomorrow. It’s something you can have today. And the best part is… it’s free, and you’re more likely to succeed if you’re happy.

Secondly, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a small but steady business making $100k — $1m per year, or even less. Providing you’re happy and love what you do then that’s amazing. Congratulations, give yourself a pat on the back.

You might just find that by acknowledging that your growth won’t be crazy viral and of the 0.0000000001% who grow 10000000000% in a year, then you’re off to a better start. You will have more patience and less pressure on yourself to deliver unrealistically.

A business that grows 10% month on month for 3 years is a really solid place to be, and who knows where you can go from there. It’s much better than being burnt out chasing unicorns that don’t exist (They don’t) after 3 years, ageing 10 years, and watching the happiest years of your life flash by. Yes you certainly will fail hard, fast and learn. But it doesn’t have to be as brutal.

I’m not saying don’t have big ambition. I’m saying don’t destroy your well being and happiness over literal mathematical anomalies.

Once you accept this then you will be better geared and have more patience and gratitude for the road ahead.

Don’t start with the money. Start with your passion and your “Why”. What is it you want to do, and more importantly... Why?. That will drive you. I will be mentioning the “why” a lot more over time.

Remember, you can’t take money to your grave, but you can make a difference to the world, your family, your friends and the people who you will continue to exist through once you’re long gone.

Society and media celebrates the qualities and “things” that actually don’t make us happier, or worse unhappy, whilst completely skipping over wellbeing, happiness and our own definitions of success, and not the ones that we subscribe to or are prescribed by others around us.

If I had $1 for every time I see a blog post published by Business Insider (other “business” blog) hinting at, or whenever someone said “I will take care of x when I have money”, “I will spend time with y when I am successful”, “I will relax and enjoy my life when I am rich”, then I’d be a millionaire!

Trust me, I’ve said most of those things, I’m guilty, I’m a hypocrite.

Life is happening now. Live it, enjoy it, and you will be successful no matter what. Now go set a realistic goal and you might just surpass it. Ambition is good, but so is your mental health and level of joy.

Oh, and if the title of this article motivates you, then good. Prove me wrong, just don’t kill yourself over it.

And just to make it 100% clear…

I’m not saying don’t set your goals high and don’t follow your dreams. I’m saying follow your passions and enjoy the ride, just make sure you look after your wellbeing and don’t set the bar ludicrously insanely high before you even start. And if you were wondering, of course I want to be successful, healthy and wealthy!… ;) but I challenge you to ask what success means for you.



Stefan Pretty
Stefan Pretty

Founder & CEO of https://www.subbly.co 🤘. Bootstrapper. Advisor. Public Speaker. Scottish and living in LA.