2019 Closing Thoughts.

Stefan Leon
Stefan The Archives
2 min readAug 8, 2021

It’s true what people say “the more I know the more I realize I don’t know”. My naivety of youth has begun to wear off.

Missteps, challenges, and defeat have painfully demonstrated what growth is like when you aren’t perfectly mentored through life.

I’m not alone amongst my friends when I claim to be largely self mentored, outside of books and podcast interviews. If anything, I’ve largely rejected the attempts of others to influence me.

We are in fact getting older. and this world is in fact fucked up.

We all ride the train toward death together, arriving at different times and as vastly different people.

and it’s not a fairy tale. Our choices and attitude determine much of what our future looks like (save for any pre-determinism), so it’s natural to want to get it right.

But if i’d have to sum up a few key things that got through to me last year it’s that:

  1. There’s no such thing as getting it right in life #trust
  2. Existentialism is a disproportionately heavy weight to carry on our journeys #moveForward
  3. We get the wrong results when we do things for the wrong reasons #beHonest
  4. Most people are living parallel experiences to ours #empathize
  5. Inner conflict leads to self sabotage #decide

I’ve been silent as I attempt to figure out what will help, so as to not just ramble cause I was handed a mic.

I fear letting out noise in a world where noise has been making us tune out. and you care about your time.

I wrote to share and connect with you. Sleeping Less is a manifestation of an inner desire for poetic and {potentially} insightful expression.

At the very least, it was a way to document my human experience in a way that could resonate.

My real goal is to create dedicated channels for the different topics I write about and an internet home for my writing outside of your inbox, for discoverability.

All in due time.

