A Reflection on not taking action

Stefan Leon
Stefan The Archives
2 min readAug 8, 2021

time does not betray us.

we betray ourselves.

You’re not supposed to watch time pass from the seat of endless thinking

or let lethargy lull you into its foggy bosom.

During the week and the normal work hours, I know it’s not the time to squeeze in personal projects and productive leisure, though it is always clawing at me to catch up.

But even on the weekends, that time gets squandered too and it makes you think,

it’s not a matter of having time, because I had it and it’s gone…

It comes down to making space within time.

I’ve wanted to go through unread newsletters and articles, yet my inbox is saturated, reminding me I haven’t made the space.

It becomes a weight carried by some obscure part of my subconscious,

Because not making a decision is itself a decision, and retrospecting on the decision to sleep on action adds fuel to a dull fire.

For me, social media use is a marker of procrastination.

My screen time always goes up when I have a big-seeming project to tackle.

Like most of us, I let responsibilities and ‘have-to-do's’ fill productive time instead.

But that isn’t moving the needle.

From us, the world needs action.

As Tony Robbins says: massive action.

We always have the choice to coast by and enjoy more,

but we also have the choice to use our discipline, motivation, or a deadline to get at least a little more done.

A little progress day by day or week after week makes the difference.

The real goal is to cultivate flow despite our environment (internal and external) since that’s where the magic happens.

To put down our digital box of distractions and let ourselves get in the zone of what we want to be doing instead.

We want to take the action, don’t we?

If we want the results then by definition that must mean we want to put in the work that gets them.

otherwise we don’t really want the results, we just say and think we do.

Adam Robinson says if you do not get something it’s a sign that you did not seriously want it or you tried to negotiate on the price.

Today, like almost all instances of getting to a thing that feels hard to get to, came from making space for it.

Not thinking about time, the work involved, our mood, other priorities, your to-do list, or the email thing…

It’s the flow of being exactly where you are and doing what you think you want to do, realizing you really do.

So get after it.

Unless of course you are doing something that is unaligned with your purpose and what you really want, in which case you will always subconsciously self-sabotage yourself out of action because your subconscious knows it’s wrong for you…and you have to listen to that, too…somehow.


