
Stefan Leon
Stefan The Archives
2 min readAug 8, 2021

Who do you become through change?

I know of a few friends who have lost jobs/no hours.

Do you maintain your faith in the outcome or fixate on the anxiety that precedes it?

People say well, how can I have faith? I need very specific actions and to figure something out right now if not I’m going to…

going to what?…

Do things happen to you or for you?

Is anything that’s happening to you right now individually unique to you?

Everyone in healthcare is serving society around the world.

Everyone in food, shipping, and logistics is working overtime for everyone else.

Humanity rises to the call of difficulty because we know we play a role, no matter how insignificant.

Zoom out to see the bigger picture //// We’re all in this together.

Anxiety is speculating on a future that hasn’t happened yet and may never manifest.

We only live (or perceive) one of the infinite outcomes we might speculate.

There’s so much uncertainty right now that it doesn’t matter.

Only today does.

Ignorance is at the root of unpreparedness.

We cross our fingers for things to fix themselves (‘poof, it’ll be a miracle’)

As much as we hoped it would stay in China, then Iran, then Italy…

and then think okay well, onward with my plans…

But plans inevitably change. It’s a reminder that nothing in life is certain except death.

We suffer when we focus on what we cannot change or how we wish things would be instead.

Are we not the drivers of our lives? Do I not have a say?

Life’s simple complexities reveal its true nature: paradox.

Of course you have a say. and of course you don’t.

The choices we make in the face of change make the difference.

Because if we’re stubborn and impose our choices on reality, reality fights back.

Say yes to the universe.


