Stefan Leon
Stefan The Archives
1 min readAug 8, 2021

get out of your head.

life happens outside of it, but your perception warps your reality.

There are dozens of narratives fighting for your attention and they often win, keeping you from being all here now.

But don’t just escape. Going to social media is an escape. a pause on whatever else is going on.

but nothing is real. the stories you tell yourself aren’t real.

change the story you believe and reality will change with it.

a friendly reminder that your head is a dangerous place to get stuck in.

Most of what we think of will never come to pass or matter.

+ we sometimes make assumptions of other’s intentions or motives.

Your ego feeds on attention — including your own.

Fears, anxieties, judgments, predictions all have their home in the mind.

But the world is bigger than you.

and there’s so much to be done.

So get out of your head and drop the narratives. all the ‘well this means that’ and ‘i need this.’

Focus on the one thing in front of you, then move on to the next thing.

Cause all you have is what is right here.

and we need you here now.

bc life is what happens when you're too busy thinking about it.

