We all forget to be grateful sometimes.

Stefan Leon
Stefan The Archives
1 min readAug 8, 2021

To take a moment to feel gratitude to have what many others don’t — a job, a home, food, clean water, a family, a partner, youth, health, legs, you name it..

there’s a rush to eat our food when we’re hungry, but do you stop to remember that life can change?

You could fall ill, there could be a food shortage,

there’s a rush to finish our work, so that we can get to the next thing or to transit home.

We rush out of conversations

There’s always a bit of a rush.

even if you’re out drinking, a rush to enjoy your drink and company before it gets too late.

Thoughts of tomorrow creep in…

We forget we’re all heading to the same place.

There’s no real rush to do the things society says, like going to college, backpacking, starting a career, marrying and having kids,

The only thing there is a rush for is to put your savings into investment accounts to get that compound interest train running.

But otherwise, what’s the rush?

