Official Exchange Listing: Trade STG on Bithumb Global!

Published in
3 min readJan 16, 2020

It’s the announcement everyone in the community has been patiently (alright, maybe not so patiently) waiting for… our first officially endorsed exchange! Bithumb Global is here.

For the past several months, we’ve been working hard with the Bithumb Global team to ensure STG can be properly and securely integrated without compromising our unique privacy features. Bithumb Global is currently the only exchange officially endorsed by the Stegos team.

Deposits will be accepted from January 16th 2020 at 9am UTC. Trading will be activated from January 17th at 10am UTC. You will be able to trade STG for Tether (USDT) and vice versa.

IMPORTANT: Deposits to Bithumb should be made publicly. To make a public payment from our GUI wallet, please download the latest version from here.

If you’re new to Bithumb Global, make sure to sign up beforehand so you have funds allocated once trading begins. You can sign up for an account here.

Who Are Bithumb Global?

Bithumb Global is a global distributed cryptocurrency exchange and part of the Bithumb family, a cryptocurrency group based in South Korea.

Bithumb Global is a great fit for Stegos. We want Stegos to reach as many users as possible, to help people protect their personal privacy and reject unwanted surveillance. Bithumb Global services users worldwide, and is part of an organization that has built and upheld a professional reputation since 2014.

You can trade on the Bithumb Global website or on their mobile app (links and QR codes at the bottom of this article).

What Next?

Bithumb Global is the first of a number of high quality exchange listings we are creating for STG. Soon, we hope to achieve our goal of giving everyone secure access to purchasing and trading STG.

Fundamentals aside, exchange listings are an economic necessity. While we’re committed to building a robust OTC market and decentralized trading options, these are inaccessible for the vast majority of our community. This makes the market inefficient and prevents STG from reaching its true value.

As trading volume grows and STG is available through additional service providers, an efficient market is created. Under these circumstances, users can buy and sell STG at appropriate rates, and traders can more accurately respond to project news and developments.

Our partnership with Bithumb Global is a huge milestone, and the first of many listings.

Happy trading!

The Stegos Team

Bithumb Global App links and QR codes:

Signup link

Main download page


Android APK:

Google Play:






