
Poem by Scarlette C.

StoryStudio Chicago
Stella Nova
3 min readMay 7, 2024


This is a poem written, edited, and showcased during StoryStudio’s 2023 youth creative writing summer camp.

He is not a tall dark shadowy man,
with a long majestic cloak,
Luring people in with the sense of death,
An evil aura constantly surrounded him.
He, rather, is a small boy,
Given to0 much responsibility, with the eyes of sins watching his
every move,
He is scared to mess up,
Therefore never does things right
And never will,
This is ok,
He is allowed to do so,
He is a small boy, whom was given too much power and
The chains,
They bound me tight,
Unyielding and strained
No longer can my wings take glide,
I’ve tried and tried,
Struggled for hours on end,
But I cannot move.
I’ve been in sunlight,
in the view of so many terrible people,
For far too long,
For far too long the chains have bound me.
I’ve lost hope,
I’ve given up my precious, fraile life
I’ve turned to stone,
Only now,
Am I seen as beautiful?
I look around,
There are many women,
Many men,
A dog is laying with a small boy,
wanting to grow up,
A small girl sitting perfectly with her mother,
Never wanting to age,
Their father constantly scolding them for being wrong,
But they aren’t,

The father,
The mother as well,
Are truly wrong,
Have all lost their childlike wonder,
That, however, is what I’ve always wondered.
The window,
a million of once broken pieces
All tied together with glue and peace,
Which is exactly what is wrong,
“It’s always fixable”
“It’s always fixable”
“It’s always fixable”
That’s what they all claim,
The wrongdoings,
Of the ones who aren’t like you,
May never be fixed,
Second chances are seemingly impossible,
In the eyes of others,
You are and always will be broken.
A camp,
For art,
But it’s not art,
But it’s your art,
poems or fiction,
Graphic novels of all sorts,
You all belong here,
Together we shall spare,
Anyone who tries to be kind,
Because at least you try,
And they only lie,
And you can cry,
And I won’t let,
your flower die,
Let it out,
You can pout,
You are valid,
Here at camp,
Where stories bloom,
friendships blossom,

And you belong, so go and try it.
The roars of approval,
Exactly what you require,
In spite of that,
Watch your tongue,
Or you’ll bleed
The slightest recognition,
Impelled by some urge,
Maily but only half pity,
Without a flicker of hesitation,,
She stood in front of him,
The careless missile,
Now dissolved from fear,
For Heaven’s sake, their only exasperated whispers,
Once more she stepped closer,
They can’t bear to see you,
Thank you,
They can’t bear to be with you,
Don’t waste your pity on her,
She’s a lifeless ragdoll,
You can stop trying to be a lady,
Though I’d gladly sit here and wait for change,
She replies solemnly.
For only a sight of her,
Would free this nightmare,
And she would be trapped.
He was impossible,
She’s no better,
She’s foolish,
No notes left



StoryStudio Chicago
Stella Nova

A writing center in Chicago offering creative writing classes, events, and programming for youth and adults.