Announcing the Winners of the First Kelpbot StellarBattle

Nikhil Saraf
Stellar Community
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2020
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

The Kelpbot StellarBattle has finally come to a close! This August, we announced a contest for the Kelp trading Bot using the StellarBattle platform with a total prize pool of 20,000 XLM. The contest called for people to create educational content based on their experiences using Kelp. I’m excited to finally get to share the winning submissions with the Stellar community.

Out of the submissions, there was a wide-range of subjects introduced. To name a few: automated trading, liquidity, arbitrage, Kelp, Stellar Decentralized Exchange, orderbooks, spreads, centralized exchanges, and the risks of automated trading. Most participants pulled these concepts together to paint a picture of how Kelp can help create an open and efficient trading marketplace on Stellar.


You can check out the submissions here:

Needless to say, they were very impressive!

It was great seeing the community come together to create thoughtful educational content about Stellar, Kelp, and markets. Links to all these content pieces will be available in the Kelp Github README as a resource for new users looking to dive into Kelp.


There were two submissions that we felt needed special recognition — enough to be awarded the first and second place prizes:

  1. How to Create Liquidity with Kelp on the Stellar DEX by Bouwe Ceunen (prize = 10,000 XLM)
  2. Make use of arbitrage opportunities with Kelp bot by StellarUpdate (prize = 6,000 XLM)

The judging panel (consisting of Sam Conner, Wouter Arkink, and myself) felt that the remaining submissions were also deserving of a prize so we decided to split the discretionary pool of 4,000 XLM equally among them.

Winners of the discretionary award listed in no particular order:

I would like to thank everyone who took the time to participate, read, share, and vote for these submissions and I hope the community will find these articles useful as we continue to grow forward.



Nikhil Saraf
Stellar Community

CTO @ stealth startup; ex-Engineer @ Stellar XLM (2017–2022); ex-VC