Go vote! Stellar Community Fund #3: Nomination round is live!

Stellar Community
Published in
2 min readDec 17, 2019

Nomination Round:

Thank you to everyone who submitted a proposal and provided project feedback over the past 3 months. There were 31 proposals submitted for this round of the Stellar Community Fund. Go read them. Go read them now!

As is custom, when the proposal phase ends… the nomination round can begin. The nomination round for SCF#3 is now live.

The nomination process is pretty simple but please make sure to read the following carefully.


Voting is held on https://stellarcommunity.fund

Before voting, please take some time to read through the proposals carefully. Proposal authors have put a lot of work into their projects, so do them a favor and spend some time reading what they’ve put out there! Since nominations last a week, feel free to visit GalacticTalk, ask questions, and participate in proposal discussion before casting your votes.

Nomination round began on December 16 and will end on December 24. Final voting will begin on December 27.

Prerequisites: You will need a Keybase account to vote.

To vote -

  1. Click the ‘Sign In’ button on the top right of https://stellarcommunity.fund
  2. Enter your Keybase username
  3. You will receive a message from ‘SCFBot’. Click the confirmation link to complete the sign-in process. (You can verify that it’s the real ‘scfbot’ by checking the DNS proof)
  4. Once you’re logged in, you can start to select your nominee picks. You must vote for 3, but can vote for up-to 8 proposals. (Remember to read through proposals!)
  5. Once you’ve chosen your nominees, click the submit button. Once you’ve cast your vote, there’s no going back! Your picks will stick around in memory, so you can mark them and come back later before your final submission.

Important bits:

Only one voting account per person is allowed. We’ll be checking to make sure no one is manipulating the vote. Play fair and everything will be great! Bad actors will be removed from participating in the vote and future rounds.

That’s all there is to it! Start digging into those proposals!

We’ve also created a mega-thread for discussion on /r/Stellar!

