Happy Hacktoberfest from the Stellar Development Foundation

Rob Durst
Stellar Community
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2019

Happy October 2nd! Hacktoberfest started yesterday, which means developers all over the world will begin diving headfirst into the world of F.O.S.S., pushing PRs to solve open issues across all shapes and sizes of GitHub projects. For the first time ever, the Stellar Development Foundation will be an active participant, helping YOU secure one of those spiffy, limited edition Hacktoberfest t-shirts (see more here).

What is Hacktoberfest?

Hacktoberfest is an annual, month-long celebration of open source software run by DigitalOcean and DEV, where developers of all skill levels can win one of 50,000 limited edition t-shirts by making four legitimate, non-spammy PRs to ANY (well ok, not literally any, but almost every) open source project on GitHub. While any PR counts, organizations, such as the Stellar Development Foundation, will label specific issues with the Hacktoberfest label, meaning an issue is new contributor friendly.

SDF & Hacktoberfest

To start, the Stellar Development Foundation has labeled several issues from our Go Monorepo and the Kelp repo as Hacktoberfest worthy issues. These issues are generally isolated, simple, and manageable for the beginner to novice Go developer. If Go is not your thing no worries, we have opened a few issues in the Laboratory as well — more issues will be available soon!

See all Go Monorepo Hacktoberfest Issues Here.

See all Kelp Hacktoberfest Issues Here.

Contribution Road Map

So maybe this is your first time contributing to a large open source project… no sweat! If you follow the steps below you’ll be an open source contributor in no time!

Just sort of do this, that, and that…

Contributing in 10 simple steps:

  1. Brush up on your knowledge of Stellar
  2. Try to remember how slices work in Go
  3. Read through the Contributing.md document
  4. Browse through the open issues labeled Hacktoberfest
  5. Select an issue by commenting your intent to solve (one issue per user at a time and “issue reservation” is only guaranteed for three days)
  6. Fork the repo and start a new branch with the issue number as the name
  7. Dive into the code! (find help here) (or ping me r_durst on Keybase)
  8. Open a PR against the master branch of the upstream repo
  9. Follow up with any additional changes needed
  10. Celebrate, you are one step closer to an awesome t-shirt!

Stay Tuned!

We will continue opening issues across more repositories and languages over the entire month of October. We will also occasionally drop posts about how to get started, and maybe even screencasts, walking through the most important and relevant areas of the codebase pertinent to addressing open issues.

Until then, Happy Hacking!

