Introducing the Stellar Community Podcast

Tyler van der Hoeven
Stellar Community


Episode 1 is already live!

Hello Stellarverse! Tyler van der Hoeven here. You may know me as @tyvdh from such places as the stellar.public Keybase channel.

“Wait!” you say, “What are you doing posting on the the Stellar Community blog?” It turns out that anyone can submit a post for publication here, even if they don’t work for the Stellar Development Foundation. Interested? Check out the submission guidelines.

In other news: I joined the Stellar Development Foundation as ecosystem evangelist! Me encouraging you to submit to this blog: that’s evangelism. So is my new project, which is what this blog post is really about, the Stellar Community Podcast.

Long before I was hired at the SDF, I was looking for a show to aid in onboarding new developers and users into the Stellar ecosystem:

I’ve always appreciated content that collects a mess of information, links, news, and noteworthies, and boils it down into a concise, entertaining, consistent format. I really wanted a Stellar-focused podcast that did just that.

Little did I know that just four months after posting the message above, I would be the one creating that show and launching it into the world. Surprise! I’m here to capitalize on your talent and welcome you warmly into the tribe!

Ultimately, I decided the Friday Fireside Stellar Dev Chat Zoom Hangouts title was a just a little too catchy. Hence Stellar Community Podcast.

The goal of the Stellar Community Podcast is to foster awareness, education and engagement around Stellar through a direct, consistent channel of communication between the Stellar Development Foundation and the Stellar community.

Format and episode types

The Stellar Community Podcast is a weekly show featuring three different episode types:

  1. Recaps of the Dev Digest with Kolten.
  2. Project interviews with community members.
  3. Live streams where we answer community questions.

Over the past few months, I’ve been talking to people all over the Stellar community. My interview queue is filling up, exciting things are happening every day, and I’m compiling all this wonderful into one accessible place.

Episode 1 is already live so be sure to give it a listen, and to subscribe anywhere you consume your podcasts. I also encourage you to share it with all your friends, family, and colleagues, most of whom are dying to learn more about crypto, the future of finance, and this “Stellar” thing you keep talking about.



Tyler van der Hoeven
Stellar Community

Engineering better financial futures @StellarOrg through funding, education and innovation. I write my own words. — “Work, and stuff will happen.”