SCF #24 Round Recap

Gemma Dobbs
Stellar Community
Published in
5 min readApr 3, 2024

The Stellar Community Fund (SCF) is an open-application awards program that draws on community input to support developers and startups building on Stellar and Soroban.

Congratulations to all submitters on your achievement. We received 103 Activation and Community Award submissions, 60 of which submitted for their first ever SCF awards. This was an unparalleled SCF round, setting a new record for submissions received! Thank you to all submitters, reviewers, and voters for your hard work.

We awarded $1,459,713 worth of XLM to 28 submitters in total for SCF #24.

Scroll down for a list of all projects; but first, let’s get to know our class of SCF #24!

  • 71% of awarded projects are building on Soroban.
  • SDKs were the most-awarded project category this round, representing 4 projects.
  • 57% of projects identify as region-agnostic with no specific area of operation, while the remaining projects were concentrated mostly in North America, Europe, and Central Asia, with 18% each.

Click on the project name to view their successful submission! Please note that in order to view the SCF Dashboard, you need to be logged in. If you do not yet have an account, feel free to create one or sign in with Discord.

Activation Awards

Awarded a total of $659,817 worth of XLM* to 16 projects

Projects new to SCF can request an Activation Award up to $50,000 worth of XLM* for ~1–1.5 month projects. The Activation Award is intended to support the completion of the Project’s MVP of their Stellar/Soroban integration and serves as an opportunity for the recipient(s) to demonstrate commitment to the overall Project. Learn more in the SCF Handbook.

Solarkraft: $50,000 worth of XLM*
Solarkraft provides runtime monitoring of Soroban smart contracts to aid developers and auditors in finding critical bugs before, and in, production.

Stellar Surge: $50,000 worth of XLM*
Stellar Surge seeks to build a community of engaged African engineers and startups innovating on Stellar and Soroban.

DePay: $42,500 worth of XLM*
DePay enables hassle-free crypto payments in inflation-hit economies, connecting consumers and merchants via Stellar.

CoinSender: $23,400 worth of XLM*
CoinSender is an ultimate accounting, token distribution, and management solution expanding the limits of blockchain.

EnerDAO — DeFi for Renewables: $47,700 worth of XLM*
EnerDAO is fuelling the Global Green Transition through Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and tokenization of renewable power projects debt.

Expand Network: $47,000 worth of XLM*’s unified API will help users efficiently transact, source data, and build in the Stellar ecosystem.

Alterscope: $38,400 worth of XLM*
Alterscope provides a Soroban ecosystem dashboard, enabling the community to perform due diligence on protocols and create custom risk frameworks.

Legacy Suite on Stellar: $49,998 worth of XLM*
Legacy Suite is revolutionizing estate planning with blockchain, making it inclusive of digital assets and more secure for all.

LOAM — Grow Ambitious Dapps: $48,000 worth of XLM*
Loam handles the tedious bits of development so developers can focus on the important parts of their Soroban dapps.

Decentrio: $50,000 worth of XLM*
Decentrio provides a reliable RPC service and a highly functional transactions/events indexer for Soroban dapps.

Stellar Token Launchpad: $40,000 worth of XLM*
This extensible web app enables everyone to deploy tokens (generic, securities) to Stellar in less than a minute.

STOCKen CAPITAL Legaltech: $32,579 worth of XLM*
STOCKen CAPITAL is a legal platform for the digitization of governance and financing of disruptive companies.

Wagelink — Soroban Integration: $50,000 worth of XLM*
WageLink is the app that allows employees in the US to receive their wages up to 5 days early in fiat or crypto.

Dapplooker: $27,700 worth of XLM*
Dapplooker provides Stellar network integration for No-Code Web3 business intelligence, community analytics, and visualization.

Bitwave: $50,000 worth of XLM*
Bitwave is a digital asset finance platform designed to manage the intersection of digital asset accounting, tax, and compliance.

JS Worker SDK: $12,500 worth of XLM*
The JS Worker SDK is a modern simple JavaScript SDK with a light <10kB footprint that gives easy access to the Horizon API.

Community Awards

Awarded a total of $767,896 worth of XLM* to 11 projects

If the Activation Award is granted and the deliverables of the Activation Award submission are completed, the Activation Award recipient(s) can then request a Community Award (up to $100,000 worth of XLM* for 2–3 months project). Projects are able to request additional Community Awards according to the resubmission guidelines.

Blaze: LatAm Launch: $90,000 worth of XLM*
Blaze is building one of the best payments apps on the planet for modern nomads. It will utilize Stellar and Soroban to deliver swift, secure, and cost-effective transactions.

Dogstar League: $86,450 worth of XLM*
Dogstar is a DeFi play & learn platform that gamifies your crypto experience.

Kwickbit: Corp DeFi Accounting: $80,000 worth of XLM*
Kwickbit enhances DeFi accounting with full transaction history, reconciliation, financial reports via UI/API, and expanded protocol integration.

Okashi — Developer UX Upgrade: $100,000 worth of XLM*
Okashi is an online smart contract developer playground.

Perun Cross-Chain Swaps: $90,000 worth of XLM*
Perun Cross-Chain Swaps enables fast and secure asset swaps and allows developers to utilize off-chain payments.

Roberto Sanz: Podcast & Social: $30,000 worth of XLM*
Roberto creates educational content for a Spanish-speaking YouTube channel (26.5k+ subs), Spotify Podcast, newsletter and other socials.

Satellite + We Work Out: $75,250 worth of XLM*
Satellite is a platform for deploying smart contracts linked to third party app data (first up, Strava). Like Zapier, but for Soroban.

Soroban Governor: $80,000 worth of XLM*
Soroban Governor is an open source, flexible, fully functional DAO smart contract framework inspired by the OpenZeppelin Governor.

Flutter Wallet SDK: $28,000 worth of XLM*
With the Flutter Wallet SDK, building a Stellar-enabled wallet or application is faster and easier than ever.

PHP Anchor SDK: $58,200 worth of XLM*
The PHP Anchor SDK abstracts Stellar-specific functionality for running an Anchor, allowing PHP devs to focus on business logic.

MYKOBO: EURC Cross Border Payments: $49,996 worth of XLM*
MYKOBO offers a collateral-backed EUR Stablecoin with ramps, pools, and swaps to projects building on Soroban & Stellar.

A big congratulations to these standout projects! Your creativity and innovation have truly made an impression, and we’re eager to see the positive impact you’ll bring to the Stellar ecosystem. Stay tuned for details on how we will be working together to support and nurture your ideas.

The next SCF deadline is April 15th, 2024, for SCF #26; however, projects submitted before the Early Bird deadline of April 3rd will be reviewed up to 9 days early. If you’re interested in submitting, take a look at the guidelines and submit your project before the deadline.

*The USD valuation of the Award in XLM is calculated using the CF Stellar Lumens-Dollar Settlement Price on the day of payment as administered, maintained, and reported by the cryptocurrency index provider CF Benchmarks Ltd. (using the ticker XLMUSD_RR) (available at

