Sorobanathon is for artists too!

Stellar Community
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2022
Stellar Quest Series 5

At our annual Meridian conference in Rome, we proudly announced the FutureNet launch of Soroban, our new smart contract platform built on WASM and Rust. With this launch, we wanted to give you the chance to tinker and earn. Between now and December 15, 2022, join Sorobanathon: First Light. Experiment with Soroban and submit a code example, issue, tutorial, blog post, video, or even Stellar Quest art documenting your experience. Qualified submissions will receive awards of 250–3,000 XLM. It’s a fun, low-lift way to learn, test things out, and provide valuable feedback to both the Soroban development team and the Soroban ecosystem as a whole. You may have noticed that last item on there. Yes, SDF wants to pay you for art. I just finished Inktober. I wasn’t ready to let the fun end yet so I started using the Quest narratives as prompts, and I’m inviting you to join in. We’ve got some amazing NFT artists on Stellar, and I can’t wait to see submissions for Sorobanathon:First Light from them.

My final Inktober piece.

If you’re not familiar with Stellar Quest, it is SDF’s gamified educational program. Stellar Quest Live Series 5 is delving into Soroban and releases a new quest every Monday at 6am PT and Thursday at 6pm PT. Each Quest includes a few paragraphs of a narrative over the course of the entire series tying in with the Quest line (don’t forget to check out our twitch streams for each one). We’re calling out to all artists to share your vision of these chapters. We will pay you 300 XLM for each session narrative you provide qualifying artwork on. You can submit up to one entry per narrative chapter, and if you submit qualifying pieces for the entire series, you will receive an additional 3000 XLM. So some quick math here: with seven narrative chapters in total, you can earn up to 5100 XLM.

You can go to the Quest Live github to find the narrative for each chapter. Inside each quest folder, you’ll find a story doc.

Submitting your work is really easy. If you haven’t already, check out the Soroban docs to get oriented, get set up, and get your head around the Soroban fundamentals. When you’re ready to create a submission…

  1. Click the “Discussions” tab at the top of this page
  2. Create a “New Discussion”
  3. Title your discussion thread
  4. Select the “General” category to post your submission
  5. Add your minted NFT submission. Feel free to put it right in the box, or to link to an external resource.

Once you have posted, you’re done!

We will review your submission within a week, and reply on your submission thread to let you know if your submission qualifies to earn a reward! If so, we will ask you to complete a form to collect info necessary to validate and deliver a reward. The deadline for submissions is December 15, 2022.

Just making you look at more of my Inktober art.

We’ll be sharing all accepted submissions on the Stellar Quest Discord server. Also, be on the lookout for weekly community blog posts featuring some of our favorites, and don’t forget to mint your work on one of Stellar’s NFT marketplaces like Litemint, Fimi, or StellarNFT. So get out there and draw!



Stellar Community

Growing @StellarOrg and fighting scam and phishing attempts on the Stellar network | Tweets are my own. Retweets =/= Endorsement.