Stellar Community Fund: Round 1 Winners

Stellar Community
Published in
5 min readJul 9, 2019

The final round of voting for the inaugural Stellar Community Fund has come to a close. Below you will find the list of winners in order of placement. Congratulations to everyone who participated. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback throughout this process!

#1 Astrograph

Astrograph is a framework that lowers the entry threshold to the Stellar ecosystem and makes it possible to develop Stellar-based applications in hours, not weeks — significantly reducing Stellar application development costs and time-to-market.

Instead of doing complex requests using old-school APIs and writing own tooling, developers can use Astrograph to search the ledger using a single GraphQL interface and Astrograph’s own Stellar core data ingester. With Astrograph, it is also possible to work with the Stellar network state in real-time

Astrograph is ready to use, open-source software. We are applying to the SCF to make sure that we’ll have the time to grow and improve Astrograph.

75 Votes | Proposal

#2 StellarGuard

Why spend $100 or more on a hardware wallet just so you can feel safe with your XLM when you can use the built-in multisignature capabilities of the Stellar network and StellarGuard for free? StellarGuard works with your existing Stellar wallet to keep your account safe by adding 2 factor authentication to your transactions. Even if your secret key is compromised your coins will stay safe. Lobstr, StellarTerm, Stellarport, Interstellar.Exchange, Stargazer and even the Stellar Account viewer: StellarGuard protects them all from hackers, thieves, and scams.

53 Votes | Proposal

#3 Lumenaut Pool

Lumenaut made the first fee-free community pool, one of the current most used services on Stellar network. While inflation is included in the Stellar protocol and supported by validators, Lumenaut fairly distributes it globally through the community by allowing people or community projects to weekly sustain themselves.

44 Votes | Proposal

#4 Stellar Python SDK

py-stellar-sdk is a Python library for communicating with a Stellar Horizon server. It is used for building Stellar apps on Python. It provides:

  • a networking layer API for Horizon endpoints
  • facilities for building and signing transactions, for communicating with a Stellar Horizon instance, and for submitting transactions or querying network history.

Python is one of the most popular programming languages today, and many programmers like to use Python to validate their ideas. py-stellar-sdk provides the same complete functionality as the official SDK.

41 Votes | Proposal

#5 SWPlug

SwPlug is a payment plugin(Wordpress/WooCommerce) and widget service that allows businesses accept stellar based currencies payments on websites.

40 Votes | Proposal

#6 Timed Transactions API

Enables timed and recurring transactions on the Stellar network and enables other developers to build on top of this. Our project’s mission is to accelerate development timelines and to ease implementation of the Stellar Network Services.

This enables a whole range of new functionalities as e.g. escrow services and subscription contracts. This increase the total value of the Stellar ecosystem as wallet operators can focus on quickly turning their ideas into applications.

We believe this feature can improve Stellar services. We recently connected with wallet,, and

32 Votes | Proposal

#7 is a portfolio balancer for the Stellar Decentralized Exchange. It is an application that lets you comfortably manage your funds, fiat or crypto. It transparently handles technical aspects such as trust lines, order books, and price picking. comes with various advanced features. For example:

  • Sign transactions with your own wallet thanks to CosmicLinks or SEP-0007.
  • Get the best price among several anchors using aggregated order books.
  • Display your account historical value in fiat since day one. is compatible with every Stellar account: login in is as simple as pasting a public key.

30 Votes | Proposal

#8 Stellar Community Forum

Stellar Community is a forum where people can discuss all things Stellar.

14 Votes | Proposal

Honorable Mentions

City States: Medieval

We are working on the first game on Stellar utilizing the SDEX where players can earn Stellar based cryptocurrency. Every players account is linked to an account on Stellar, all resources are issued as assets on the SDEX. The player can trade resources from inside the game on a custom SDEX interface. There is no need to own or know about crypto to play the game, so we expect to introduce thousands or ten-thousands of new users to the Stellar ecosystem.


LOBSTR is a simple and secure Stellar wallet available on the web, Android and iOS.

With the built-in support for assets, SDEX trading, multi-signature, federated addresses, LOBSTR has been onboarding users since 2016 and is a solid choice for both new and experienced users, providing a clean and reliable interface to access the Stellar network.

Users like our apps, our Android app alone has over 50,000 downloads and almost a thousand reviews on Google Play. Our team is constantly working on improving user experience and building new features. Some of the most exciting upcoming updates are described in the roadmap.

Congratulations again to everyone who participated!

The next round of the Stellar Community Fund will begin soon! Keep an eye out for Round 2 guidelines. You’ll find them on

